
take the step

 Good influences the coming together of the right pieces will create the baby/project you are working towards you will be charged if you discard/abort this. The truth is you are meant to birth this child/project. Your actions have lead you to this place. 

Channeled Message

  Message 1: Abundance is heading your way as you walk in confidence and positive vibes. There is beauty in simple stuff and you have  learned to embrace that as well as opening your eyes your once closed eyes to see all the things you have been trained to ignore. There have been alot of dark days as you intentionally train yourself to see and think with compassion. You use to struggle to see the light but lately it is easier than every to bask in it not just see it. Right now it's your spiritual summer. Enjoy your time in the light it is well deserved.  Message 2: Grab a pen and paper and start planning. The cycles you have repeated  is no longer a option for you whatsoever. Whatever you ae doing toward trying to investigate all angles  so you can avoid pitfalls is working. Be sure of what you want and try to ignore external influences. What is meant to be yours will be. These lessons you have been involved in have given you the tools to face your future on sure footing. If you re

Sagittarius, Pisces

 Instinct that is fed by curiosity. Learning to live with ego not lead by Ego. You need to withdraw from the battle field. Seek solitude while meditating and reflecting.    You have made some choices that have turned your world upside down. Your focus is on money and a idea that will bring you fortune. You just want to feel secure. You are tired of living with others and having your foundation swept away regardless of  if you are prepared to stand alone or not. You feel like you deserve stability. The fact that you have walked over others in this pursuit wasn't a reality to you because you are in a single minded mindset.  You want to make your peace with those you harmed because they have burnt the bridges you desperately want to come backover. You have gained some wisdom and see you are alone because of your choices. You are hiding in your fantasies, fostering instability because you are denying half of your energy in this ridiculous self abuse of denying your emotions or your fe

Weekend Read

 This weekend someone is coming your way wanting to drape you in elegance. They are having you think about the pain in their past. It shaped them into the person they are now. That is the problem for them. They don't want to be who they are now. Change is coming and they want to accept it with open arms.  They are just scared it wont stick. They feel  confidence is key in healing this.  They feel like they are being chased to you. You impress them with your heart and kindness. You bring emotions to their lives. Without you they feel blank. They know what it is like to be alone and after meeting you they know they dont want to go back. They are trying to be respectful they want you.  They sense a death coming and a rebirth of who you are and they want to be part of it. You bring comfort and peace, the idea of home for them is you. 

Hornbeam, Sagittarius, Gemini

 So a player is ready to settle down. They know your spiritual and they love it. They know your guard is up. They want to know why you no longer feel comfortable with them. They feel your hesitant towards them. They want to lead you  to Paradise...Again. I'm being told you are beautiful especially your Spirit. This person feels as though if they tell you how they feel and you turn them down please don't ever speak to them again. They know that's irrational, but they are insecure that is what is causing this my way or the highway energy. They need you in your head and they feel like you can't out maneuver them if you are overthinking and they will trick you into falling back in love.   

Sekhmet, Sagittarius, Pluto, Capricorn,Scorpio,Leo,Taurus, Cancer, Geb,

  You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should  focus on personal development now. Soon you will reach your higher state of consciousness. This is also a time to be scrupulous in your dealings with others and to control your negative thoughts and feelings. Try to cultivate positivity. Step away from stress and strain. You might need to stop away from somethings you use to worry about, but you are finally realizing it was never your responsibility. Take a good look at yourself, your needs and physical surroundings. Its time yo be strong in your decisions and action concerning your physical well being.  The decisions you need  to make are often best made in solitude outside the influence of others. If you need to grieve the end of a relationship do it! Stop trying to pretend like it doesn't hurt and bother you. Its ok to show emotion. Just remember this was long overdue and was just the spilled milk of your relationship history.  Angel Numbers: 1010,1212

Gemini, Capricorn, Amon- Ra

 You will be better off if you will practice patience and gratitude, responsibility and teamwork. Your angels, ancestors and guides are all so proud of you  because of the effort you have been making. You are ending relationships that no longer serve your higher purpose. This new beginnings, of new people, creativity, freedom loving people will help you choose a partner of similar traits.  Angel Numbers:  300,2021,920

Libra, Virgo, Vine( the Equaliser)

  Find the hidden spirituality in your life. Recall , rebuild, understand what is already in you.  Universal Love, love for all humanity, humanitarianism, compassion and tolerance. Your lesson might be to demonstrate that loving and helping others is a gift. You aren't leaving anything to chance. You might even be attempting to express how you feel in the moment.  Your thoughts are manifesting quickly and thru reality you are seeing your dreams come true. Change is inevitable so embrace it.  From Your Person: I'm not ready for love, but I want to please you until you say stop. You're not indecisive. I get why you keep pulling away. You give me wings and I soar because of you. I'm so lost where do I go next. If you  was wondering no I'm not bisexual and I don't care if you are. I just really wanna eat you up gently lapping at your honey pot /  magic stick until you cry my name.  I want to marry you even if we have never dated.  I never gave you a chance so let me

I didnt know what i had lost until you was gone....

 Somebody is watching you. They are reading your posts and feel you are talking about them and they want to clear up any misunderstanding. Their life is in shambles and they have no idea how to fix it without you. You are the bridge to their happy place, They see you as a gift from god. They are so mesmerized by you.  They said the storm is over, but they don't see any rainbows and they wonder if that's cuz they all ready found their pot of gold. They love that you are in Sync with yourself. They know they gave you the bare minimum. The next time they see you they want to see you dressed up. They can't send it in messages they have to say it in person. BTW...  they want you to know your skin is like cashmere.

Smile you're Soul looks beautiful

 Most of the things you know to be true are lies about me. I was supposed to be your foundation and I failed. I know you don't want to repeat any cycles with me. I want to say I won't take you down the path again, but I'm still a fucked up individual and there are no guarantees. I know someone broke you heart and i damaged even more. I see you trying to heal and I thinks its looks great. You are changing and I fear that the new you will really not want me. 

You aren't John Cena

 Someone knows you are a tarot reader and they think you are pulling cards on them. They don't know you don't have to pull cards. If Spirit wants you to know your gonna hear it. Thru music, tv, a book, etc. They don't want you to cry because of them. They want you to experience happiness even if its without them. The lessons they have learned because of this  may have hurt, but they taught them so much. They know they lack more than they have to offer.  They don't want just a one night stand they want you to themselves forever. They are trying to figure out the when and where they can sex you to get you to give in to them and they can dump their burdens on you.  Without you in their life they have felt cocooned. They are realizing that their childhood trauma have affected this relationship. They realize they need YOU not someone like you., but actually you and its hard for them to wrap their mind around. They really didn't see you. Every time they try to leave you t

Mercury Retrograde

 This mercury retrograde you could be feeling blank. Not clear on anything so you are trying to just pause on life. Which would be an impressive feat if you could, but you can't bud. You gotta get moving cuz stagnancy will be your death. This isn't a maybe death either. Spirit said move your aa or the police will move you to the morgue.  Start walking in that natural confidence Spirit gave you. You know its time for a change. You can not let your past trauma keep you from moving forward. It's ok if you can't see the road ahead of you. You are doing some things Spirit is so proud of you for letting go of toxic habits, but they won't be gentle with you its boot camp time. You want something prove it.  Someone is about to show up with flowers. This person is going to put you in your head. Its ok Spirit is ready to have that talk with you, but you already know the answer. You can claim you was asleep but you WOKE now so you got no excuses.  You want your happily ever af

Its time to stick to your guns!!

 You keep getting knocked down and left for dead. As you reanimate your life you tell others how you did it just incase they fall into that pitfall as well. Defying societal urges to step on others who are down you are listening to that higher purpose and pulling others up. Here is where protecting yourself comes in. You have to have boundaries or you will end up pulling up people who only want to push you down. It doesn't matter how low you perceive yourself there are those who just don't want you to have anything. There are those around you who are unstable who are to show the masks they used to hide behind.  They are still trying to oppress you, but you are being protected by your Spirit team. Even when you had nothing these folks still had they hands out. They still have their hand out physically and metaphorically to you.  So people might be accusing of being stingy with your gifts, time and energy and guess what they can suck a fat one. No one is entitled to what God has

Take the Leap!!

You are capable of being a business owner, the highest of levels can be reached, but you have to believe in yourself. Not what others tell you about yourself especially when there behavior don't line up. You can change your fate by accepting yourself. The good, bad, and ugly.  Opportunities, decisions and love are all there waiting to be claimed by the healed version of you.  Angel Number: 300, 920 

You are walking away...

 Ashanti~ Over "Can't believe that its over baby, every bruise my heart you gave me. See we tried and we cried and its over babe." You want freedom, exploration, travel, and change. You need to pay attention to your intuition and inner wisdom as you connect with your angels. Continue on you path as you drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment. Your progress, achievement, abundance, and success. You are dealing in Universal and Karmic laws of cause and effect. Its time to look at you chakras from your solar~plexus down to your Root chakra because they  need a hard look at, because they are in charge of your passion and you are not feeling anything at all. Whatever it is you want back is in the past and it needs to say there. If you are lacking direction, your self love is diminished, your questioning where you are in the world. You gotta find that spark. Passion is crucial for co-creation, creativity freedom and choice.  Spirit Message: I'm selfish~

Someone is a liar and they have ill intentions

 Oh boy they Know you are the total package. They have a attitude!! They want to have a conversation with  you to ask you have faith in them. They want to say they won't change for themselves why did you think they  would change for you? They say they aren't going to change no matter what  they say. They sabotage your relationship on purpose. even though they know their behavior is hurting you. They actually find it hilarious watching you flounder around trying to figure out how to get into their good graces.  They honestly feel like they don't need you but they like having your energy and efforts to boost their ego because you always go the extra mile.They know they got you so why make more effort or feel insecure?  They also don't feel like they need to heal cuz they are fine you are the one who needs help your obsessed with them so you  pathetic because you should know your to good for them. You accept them at their absolute worse and you won't believe them when

I suck at emotion laid conversation.

 6lack~ Prblms Timing is at work. When you reconnect it will be like the first time. Your person recognizes you have trauma from their past behavior. They are upset that you are not speaking to them the way you used to and the silence is eating at them. They know you are a gift from the Divine and they don't want to let you go.  They want to finally create some precious memories with you.  They for some reason don't want you to be aware of how they feel. They want you to come to them begging for their attention and then they feel they can show you slowly how intense their love for you is they are yours heart and soul.  They want you to be their lil baby.  They wish you would just give them a chance to prove that THIS time it really is different. They want to sweep you off your feet they still want this chance. They realize they don't know how to be a adult. They are aware their behavior has been a big issue in your situationship.  They are battling within trying to heal the

This looks promising...

 They know you have been hurt in the past. They know your hurting. They just can't figure out what to do. They know if given the chance they will show that you deserve to be loved to be cherished and doted on. They can't wait to see you again for the first time again.  For some of y'all its been a decade or more. They want to create precious memories with you. They want to create a lifetime. They want to rewrite the definition the meaning of true Love.   They are very calculated in their moves. Their feelings for you just keep growing. You are better then Juliette and they want to be more than just your Romeo I'm hearing "lets write our own love story." I also hear them saying "that fool died 3 days after meeting her I want forever lets aim for longevity like  Denzel and Paulette or even some random couple who have 50 yrs under their belt and HE still pinches her butt."  I like your person lol they are fresh, but smart hehe.   They are moving closer

Take your time love you got this

You have a lot of projects in the air. It might be over whelming, but you find joy in it. You might be seeking information from your elders to advance this wealth of knowledge that you have gained to use on and in your projects. Create a safe place to do some miracles. Asking for help from heaven you just might get an answer, while learning the art of pragmatic magic and the displacement between worlds. Honoring the ancients teaches you to also honor yourself because you are their lineage. Build the foundation that will sustain your activities so that you can create the life you want.  Events can cause you to change direction in your own path. Sometimes there are things that are out of your control you have to learn to use your intuition and trust it so even in times of chaos you can still see your path. As the soul compass rotates, look for calm in the experiences that make you who you are. There will always be transformation at every turn of fate. What is created from growth will lea

Its coming

 Right now you are in a season of receiving. If it is offered to you take it. It is the Universe's way of supporting you. You have been in a lack season for a very long time a nd it looked lie nothing was moving in your favor.  From money to love you have been in a lack season, but now in Saturn's Retrograde you are coming out of that and its starting like a light drizzle of rain but soon it will be a out pour.  You stepped out on faith like a fool not knowing when or if change would come and its coming in like a rushing mighty wind. Angel number:222