Its time to have faith. You know that soon love is coming and you need to get ready. A invitation or a chance meeting will connect you with someone you least expected. You may feel like you just don't have it in you to try again. That stagant is you new reality and guess what it is not. You don't get the luxury to sit back and reminise. You need to get up and create new memories. Who cares if they are different and not of your norm. Be aware of those will try to lurk, steal and stalk you to gain leverage in YOUR life. The time you spent being a chaser left you empty, broke and often time homeless (emotionally or literally) with no support. You cannot turn back the hanads of time, but you can take the lessons of the past and apply them to your future so you will survive in the happiest and healthiest manner. This new phase you are entering you will find it refreshing as you transform into the newest healthiest version of you. Welcome love in all manners ...