Spirit Message
Stop playing in folks energy. Some folks out there dont understand when you go and try to use lets say Orishas and your not properly respecting them your ass is grass. Ifa , Loa, Ancestors (especially when your not talking to benevolent relatives cuz not all family like you even dead folks got grudges) all have ways you deal with them ya know rules. If you are dabbling cuz you I dunno are jealous of someone or their connection to others you're in for a rude awakening attacking people spiritually who did you no wrong has consequences on a Universal scale. From the lost of jobs, cars, finance, to being in DV cases, to death to love ones or yourself. Stop playing with things you don't understand and don't open doors you don't know how to close. Seeing things, hearing things, car malfunctions, substance abuse (liquor is a substance), can't eat or eating too much (greed of any kind creates hunger in all areas with no satisfaction) can't sleep, can't finish yours...