

 I see you are seeking wisdom that will have you more intune with yourself and will make your roots clearer. With this clarity comes the close of a cycle that had you reaching for fleeting familial connections and now you will be the tree and plant new roots. Protecting this new found sense of self will help that feeling of fighting for stability.  You are falling in love with yourself again and you are nervous. What if I fall off? What if I get depressed? What if instead of accepting like any other relationship that inconsistent behavior and maybe expect more from yourself. The relationship with yourself takes time. You need to love you right way. You need to have patience with you. If it takes your partner forever to figure it out your gonna take longer cuz you don't believe in you! You aint different you just need to see yourself differently. Have faith in yourself.  Song message: Got it on Me~ Pop Smoke If you don't own your swag!!! No-one can honestly hate you for being y


  On the path to abundance feeling small with big obstacles to overcome the indecision is gone and the aloneness is abating. No longer do they "feel" alone now they know even if not physical their counterpart is with them in spirit. Encouraging the healing taking place.  Embrace life and open your eyes to the signs that remind you that you are doing it right your not on this path for no reason. If you want your person tell them!!! You won't understand them by standing at a distance. Keep working hard they won't be grudge you the sweat they are working hard as well. If they knew how bad you wanted to tell them how you really feel they would be shocked. Taking your time to get used to your feelings aint wrong, but you might miss your chance.  Song message Halsey~  You should be sad  Whoever /whatever you are walking away from left you torn and feeling less and what you are heading toward will fill in that void!!

Masculine energy( definitely not divine)

 First of all, I want everyone to know your mine. If you will call me I will tell you that everyday I  remind myself how much you use to love me and that keeps me going now because my days are not bright anymore.. I think about everything babe. I don't just think about you. I dream of you. I didn't do right by you, but you made me weak and I didn't know what else to do so I ran away. I see you and I want to show you the real love you deserve.  You make me weak and I didn't know what else to do so I ran. I see you and I want to show the real love you need.  I want to start a new cycle. I want to know everything about you. Every layer and while I am getting to know you do I get to know again physically too? You know me like you can read my mind. You are so confidant. 

Divine Masculine

 Divine Feminine, If you won't be my Queen I'll find another one.  You aren't who I thought you was any way I needed a push over and you are too confident in your place in my life in your place in the world; just confident period.  I've changed and you have as well. I am trying to be better, but if you aren't better we are just going to stay in the toxic cycle we both hate. I won't do that with you or to myself again. I need you to embrace life and open your eyes to the signs.  I am not the enemy I promise. I am in the same battle as you walking away from friends and family who don't mean us any good. If they don't have our best intentions at heart then they don't get to influence me anymore. I'm struggling to be strong. It's not easy to do this. I don't know if I'm even doing this right. I sometimes forget if I am doing this for you or me I just know this battle has to be won. I'm trying to focus on just my part because you said


 This message is from the Leo to their person or friend who they are in little to no contact with... You always come to my rescue. let me save you this time. I might really mess it up but I want to try. You make me feel defensive because I'm unsure. I wan to be confident fo you not just around you. Give me a chance. If you need to talk to you friends or your spirit people do it but you need to trust your intuition.   I just want to look into your eyes they seem to hold every answer and dream I've ever needed or thought of. You still have some growth to do, but its worth it. The beautiful person you are blossoming into is undescribable, but undeniably you. You bring so much joy to me and your kisses just caress me . I feel love in everyone of your kisses. How could I not though? This love is so powerful. Did I tell you I miss you? In every moment of my day I go to share it with you then stop.  I'm growing please be patient. I have to admit I want to ask you on a date so you


 Whitney Houston ~ I will always love you Someone thinks they need to say goodbye. That the pain they feel won't ever stop happening. Their person wants them to stop crying they are coming and then there won't be any reason to cry anymore. Although often they think leaving is actually for the best.  A stubborn feeling has you defensive and you feel stuck and that is burdening you sometimes to the point of illness. Always on the defensive feeling like you had to be strapped for battle is tiresome. You've petioned your higher self and guides asking if you show your vulnerabilities can you win. Whether by magic or by rules. Ready to give to the situation, but suspicious cuz folks are trifling. The Divine is willing to help since you asked, but you will only get what you are supposed to have not necessarily what you want, but it's exactly what you need.  


 Kiana Lede~ Second Chances You are feeling blessed. Releasing all that doesn't serve and seeing the blessings and yet there is pain in this release your not as happy, because you don't want to let go. Yet, you realize it's for the best.  Bounty is there you just have to get to the root of what's been holding you back. You have all these arguments with yourself about why you shouldn't, but the reason why you should has always been been there. Now you're looking for the strength to keep on this path. You have the light to see where you are headed. Don't hesitate. What you are headed for is going to be your wish fulfillment, but you have to trust yourself. you have planned your path out well and all I can say is happy trails!!!


 Kehlani~ Can I  Alicia Keys~ Show Me Love You want to show some passion to someone to let them bask in your love. You want to verbalize your love and giving them physical love and healing by changing the type of love they are used to receiving. This person brings out the fire in you. They got you matching their energy, talking like them, acting like them lol its ok it's cute you are mirroring each other.  You been feeling like you been petitioning God for a love like this and you have worked to be " worthy" of this love. It worth the work for it will bring abundance in every area of your life. This relationship will cause you to feel royal as you are reborn in love.You was made for this love and the only danger that you may face is feeling vulnerable because the love will be so real you will want forever. You have found what you are looking for you are safe. 


 Kiana Lede~ Forfeit You or someone your dealing with is done. Whatever the problem is they or you want more. More attention, love from their person. Someone needs to pray for direction and heal this relationship, because the doubt is eroding what little trust is left. Earth sign or Air they feel walking away is the only right answer even if there's love there.  You feel like the fight is done. You aren't seeking wisdom in this situation because you feel justified in your behavior. You feel you are on the right path, but while you have all the tools you need your still not moving what is the problem? You can't keep living for people you have the right to be truly happy. You are the one keeping yourself trapped. 


Fergie~ Big Girls Don't Cry Smells bring back memories. Childhood memories of being happy  and innocent to the world. Nostalgia is fun, but you can't stay in those past memories. You have to deal with where you are now. Your dreamy eyes need to focus whether you are dealing with a water sign or fire sign before you turn your back to what you missed while daydreaming.  You fought for this change. What are you seeking that is in your sight? As long as you're still seeking you won't be able to be confident in your role. Instead of coming out the leader you will serve if you won't get out of your own way. 


 Kevin Gates~ Let It Sing Mariah Carey~ We belong Together Tay Kation~ Levels Daft Punk~ Instant Crush Trey Songz ~ Slow Motion You are back and forth with your emotions. You want to love, to feel... You feel like you have found the right person, but you also feel like they showed up at the wrong time. You want to wine them and dine them, tear off their clothes, but you don't want the relationship part of the situation. In the meantime your seperating from old things, relationships and mindsets trying to follow your intuition as you make moves and your person better watch out. Your ready for them even if you don't want labels.  Spirit says no more burdens, no more fighting, no more feeling like you've been battling against foes in real life and in your head. You have the right weapons to defend yourself against anything. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.


 Celly Ru~ Hot & Ready Whoever has it out for you has no idea who you really are. They think your going to bow the neck to their bullying. You aren't to be messed with. They also don't get you aren' t going to stoop to their level you don't have to react to their fired shots cuz they aren't hitting you the target.  Folks are in regret though. They are realizing that nothing has meaning anymore without you in their life. You are a light with a beautiful spirit. They see you healing from past hurts.  You are making moves and learning information that will take you further. Make your work your play and when you do earning money won't seem  like such a hardship.  You are so in your head. You're pouring out your blessings instead of holding them. Stop that nonsense!! You are bountiful when you are walking in confidence bring about a end of things that no longer serve you.


 Erykah Badu~ Next Lifetime "Your energy feels so damn good to me. It picks me up, don't want to come down. You got me spinning all around."  You are in your emotions crying alot. Spirit wants you to speak aloud your hurts you need to hear the pain in your own voice so you can finally heal. You are trying to deny the new you who is trying to court you and your like um no not now I like who I am, I'll change later, but the new you is saying you don't smile inside you are actually numb. If you could you would break up with yourself just to get away from the negativity in your soul.   The burdens of life don't capture your attention like they used to its the ones you volunteered to take on. The feel like the weight of the world bending you over, but your working on it though it hurts your heart you see a better world and you are finally choosing it for yourself. 


 Blinding Lights ~ the Weekend You're trying to figure out what you want in life. From work to love, life just feels empty and your wanting to not be alone. There might be even a certain someone you desire, but your other desires are more important right now. You feel attached almost stuck to this person. Your intuition is telling you this person is good for you .... its you. are you good for them? Can you focus on them like do your other desires fairly?  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery they say, but it makes you feel foolish and exposed because you feel like what your showing the world isn't the real you. You have to work hard everyday to be your best self and you suffer from imposter syndrome so when folks copy you it feels wrong, but that is on them.  You are being your true self. You work hard everyday and it feels like it's not worth it anymore. You want to be the leader, but you can't figure out how to do it. You are searching for answers while toiling


 Bluelights~Jorja Smith Pictures play a part in how you communicate, but you're sending them to the wrong person and someone knows, but it's not your bad. It's theirs. The person your dealing with is in the wrong. They know they shouldn't have them. Don't accept the blame even if its pressed towards you. Unless you did know then own your part in this mess and walk away.  Money is heavy on your mind, but how to get more is baffling you. Living paycheck to paycheck is getting old. You want to flourish like a flower and you feel your next endeavour will have you sitting pretty cuz you are being wise you may feel worn out but that feeling of getting your shit together is godlike  and you are finding just the right way to present this idea to the universe.

I gotta get you outta my system

 Man Fuck Sex!!! Sex is easy to come by. Connection. Intimacy. That is what i craved. When I couldn't get what I wanted I tried to enjoy what you offered cuz I wanted YOU like I wanted nothing else in the world. I just wanted to sit in your lap and cuddle forever. I wanted to believe I was safe in having feelings for you. Now I feel like I dodged a bullet.  I do my best to not think of good times cuz then memories of bad times come flooding in and I'm overwhelmed in confusion.  Thinking of you is never just one emotion its a gambit( chess move) and I hate it and I want to hate you. So what if I love you? That does not mean I want you. Twin flame sure, but burn that contract.  I don't want you to heal me with your toxic love. You can't teach me what you don't know. I gave you my heart and you had no idea what to do with it. My root chakra was blocked.  My friends all would disown me if I went back to you and I wouldn't blame them you bring sickness and lack ever

I need you like I need my next fix

XXX~ Hot Gyal Nikki Minaj~ Anaconda There's no growth without you. When you was with me I felt like I could do anything. I could soar because you gave me wings, but like Icarus I took that gift and got cocky and flew too close to the sun of my own ego. You just always seemed to know the right way to go. Everyone can see how special you are. Will you take another risk with me and let me have you again? You get me in a way no one else does. I want you now and no-one else can touch you again. Without your love I'll drown. I know your not using your intuition about us and that makes me happy. As long as you don't see my hidden motives and bad intentions I can keep you. If you get back in alignment I'm in trouble, but regardless I have to try. You're mine did you forget?

Balance makes the world go round

 J. Howell ~ Something about you  India Arie~ Part of my life Do I want you? Is the question on a lot of partner's hearts. Is the person I've invested so much into worth it? Guess what the indecision is mutual they are unsure what to do with your connection. Indecision is causing both of you to want to abandon the connection.  The masculine energy is focused on providing. They have neglected the relationship. Instead of balancing a deficit occurred.  The feminine energy is not prepared to defend their self when explaining their feelings. The masculine doesn't feel as though it matters they want the scales to tip in their direction while the feminine just wants balance. Even if that means getting her own scale.  If balance can be achieved bounty can be had, but if not the feminine energy will find a way to flourish without the masculine. A roller coaster of having and losing will occur for the masculine for failing to lead this discussion which would bring the healing they b