
You are walking away...

 Ashanti~ Over "Can't believe that its over baby, every bruise my heart you gave me. See we tried and we cried and its over babe." You want freedom, exploration, travel, and change. You need to pay attention to your intuition and inner wisdom as you connect with your angels. Continue on you path as you drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment. Your progress, achievement, abundance, and success. You are dealing in Universal and Karmic laws of cause and effect. Its time to look at you chakras from your solar~plexus down to your Root chakra because they  need a hard look at, because they are in charge of your passion and you are not feeling anything at all. Whatever it is you want back is in the past and it needs to say there. If you are lacking direction, your self love is diminished, your questioning where you are in the world. You gotta find that spark. Passion is crucial for co-creation, creativity freedom and choice.  Spirit Message: I'm selfish~

Someone is a liar and they have ill intentions

 Oh boy they Know you are the total package. They have a attitude!! They want to have a conversation with  you to ask you have faith in them. They want to say they won't change for themselves why did you think they  would change for you? They say they aren't going to change no matter what  they say. They sabotage your relationship on purpose. even though they know their behavior is hurting you. They actually find it hilarious watching you flounder around trying to figure out how to get into their good graces.  They honestly feel like they don't need you but they like having your energy and efforts to boost their ego because you always go the extra mile.They know they got you so why make more effort or feel insecure?  They also don't feel like they need to heal cuz they are fine you are the one who needs help your obsessed with them so you  pathetic because you should know your to good for them. You accept them at their absolute worse and you won't believe them when

I suck at emotion laid conversation.

 6lack~ Prblms Timing is at work. When you reconnect it will be like the first time. Your person recognizes you have trauma from their past behavior. They are upset that you are not speaking to them the way you used to and the silence is eating at them. They know you are a gift from the Divine and they don't want to let you go.  They want to finally create some precious memories with you.  They for some reason don't want you to be aware of how they feel. They want you to come to them begging for their attention and then they feel they can show you slowly how intense their love for you is they are yours heart and soul.  They want you to be their lil baby.  They wish you would just give them a chance to prove that THIS time it really is different. They want to sweep you off your feet they still want this chance. They realize they don't know how to be a adult. They are aware their behavior has been a big issue in your situationship.  They are battling within trying to heal the

This looks promising...

 They know you have been hurt in the past. They know your hurting. They just can't figure out what to do. They know if given the chance they will show that you deserve to be loved to be cherished and doted on. They can't wait to see you again for the first time again.  For some of y'all its been a decade or more. They want to create precious memories with you. They want to create a lifetime. They want to rewrite the definition the meaning of true Love.   They are very calculated in their moves. Their feelings for you just keep growing. You are better then Juliette and they want to be more than just your Romeo I'm hearing "lets write our own love story." I also hear them saying "that fool died 3 days after meeting her I want forever lets aim for longevity like  Denzel and Paulette or even some random couple who have 50 yrs under their belt and HE still pinches her butt."  I like your person lol they are fresh, but smart hehe.   They are moving closer

Take your time love you got this

You have a lot of projects in the air. It might be over whelming, but you find joy in it. You might be seeking information from your elders to advance this wealth of knowledge that you have gained to use on and in your projects. Create a safe place to do some miracles. Asking for help from heaven you just might get an answer, while learning the art of pragmatic magic and the displacement between worlds. Honoring the ancients teaches you to also honor yourself because you are their lineage. Build the foundation that will sustain your activities so that you can create the life you want.  Events can cause you to change direction in your own path. Sometimes there are things that are out of your control you have to learn to use your intuition and trust it so even in times of chaos you can still see your path. As the soul compass rotates, look for calm in the experiences that make you who you are. There will always be transformation at every turn of fate. What is created from growth will lea

Its coming

 Right now you are in a season of receiving. If it is offered to you take it. It is the Universe's way of supporting you. You have been in a lack season for a very long time a nd it looked lie nothing was moving in your favor.  From money to love you have been in a lack season, but now in Saturn's Retrograde you are coming out of that and its starting like a light drizzle of rain but soon it will be a out pour.  You stepped out on faith like a fool not knowing when or if change would come and its coming in like a rushing mighty wind. Angel number:222

What they want to say

 Dealing with Fire Signs all placements: Hey will you let go of expectations? I am SO proud of you, but I hate you for growing beyond me. I know everything  I do contradicts with what I say, but have faith you are mine. Take your time accepting this because there is no next for me you are the last stop.  I want to be your hero and save you this time. I know in the past I took your love for granted and built a Web of lies. I'm watching you closely to see if you have figured out my secrets. I am ready to fight anyone and everyone for your love I hope they know that.  I haven't let go of my toxic Habits. I just need you to be blind to them I could care less if the world knows I'm evil just not you. I used to care that the world saw the best in me now I realize it doesn't matter if you don't see me on a pedestal. The rareness of you is like a acoustic guitar  come back please Angel Numbers: 111, 222

Pisces,Aries,Leo, Sagittarius,Jupiter,Taurus,Capricorn,Virgo, Angel Numbers

  Whoever you are dealing with money doesn't matter in comparison to you. You check off their list of requirements for their person. They may have lied to you or others about you. They want to make up it to you. They don't how to react to you anymore. So they fear they won't be able to react to you in a new way so they fear the change they are experiencing isn't deep enough. For some the fearis it is too deep of a change. They truly just want to change enough to keep you cuz honestly they are comfortable as they are and where they are. Don't get it wrong they don't like who they are or the situation they find themselves in but the idea of risking it all to maybe not get anything in return just isn't worth it in their eyes. . They want you to know they miss you the most in the middle of the week you help them survive the rest of their week by helping them to ground themselves in the midst of whatever was occuring  for them. you was like their spiritual lightn

Osiris, Aries

 You are being offered a place of peace, calm and solitude. Reflect on who you are. Your greatest achievements from a balanced and peaceful state of mind. Go ahead and build the new foundation of a new and beautiful direction or journey. Transition in order to open your mind to learning a new project. Trying not to worry just do your best to focus on any project you have.  Stop ignoring your path in the world. Start taking risks. Make your own rules. Jump all in to your chosen path. Your ready to tread water.  If you are feeling ungrounded you might be experiencing digestive issues, dizziness or feeling empty.

Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, Angel Numbers

 You might be experiencing another awakening and you might be experiencing  fears that come with a level up. Unless you have been ignoring your path in the world, not taking risks living by others rules. You are being asked in this case to embrace the Universal mind and have trust and enter the uncharted waters of true creation with integrity. You can reach a level of wisdom full of these past experiences, but with a new perspective.  Something that's been buried is about to burst forth from you. Gather up all the parts of self; release the past and give thanks inward for the hard work that has resulted in your growth. You might be expended spiritually so pull back all of your energies, and commit to self. Balance your power and love. 

Capricorn, The Nile River, Pluto

Your Angels are nearby ready to help and reassure you that your plans are going well. Achievement, progress, abundance, and success are all yours if you are following the rules for Karma and the Universal laws of cause and effect.  You have to open to help. You have a short time to get some achievement  accomplished so put in the work. Make sure you don't regret your decisions. Your material and earthly needs top to bottom will be met in divine timing. Have faith and trust you have been provided for if you are doing what you are called to do. Change is coming. We are one with creation so when you give back to the world what we have been given, we receive more abundance.  Something is causing you pain, stress and strain. You might be taking on things that aren't your responsibility. Take a look around you if you want things to be better take the time to understand yourself before you accuse others of not understanding you. Maybe they do know you better.    Angel Numbers: 333,105


 You are at the start of an important journey. A journey of self love. You are crossing a new bridge to freedom. Whoever or whatever was holding you back it's time to walk away. Any doors that have been closed for too long will be swung wide open for you.  Those feelings of inadequacy and feeling stagnant will no longer be a issue. Feeling tied to people who mean you ill won't be a issue you will figure out how to walk away. Your confidence will come back in spade and the self sabotage will stop.  Your fight with your ego and jealousy will be over because you will finally overcome the roots of those inadequacies. All forms of sabotage will have to fall by the wayside. Any opposition to you building a new foundation of peace and stability in your life will be demolished. Spirit isn't having it anymore. Its beyond time you heal and start operating in a higher vibe. 

Break ups happen in families, friendships and work situations acknowledge it so you can heal

 Outdated thinking is getting you no-where fast. You have this way of looking at the world that filters out certain people and situations and now you've got to change your frequency you are missing out on to many things.  Staying in your head continuously reminiscing over bad memories and past betrayal will not free you and most certainly will not help you grow to the level spiritually you desire to be at.  You are not in over your head or in a situation you are ill prepared for it literally is your own insecurities ( yes some of those were handed to you by others) that are trapping you in this particular stagnant spot.   You are on a Journey. You are searching for your Great LOVE. No one faults you for that. All the Divine is asking for is your unconditional self love to be what you focus on first because getting lost in your person will detour you from where you are supposed to be on your path. Oneness, that ultimate soulmate space you desire to be in is there for you to have ju

Spirit Message

 Have faith in yourself. You are clairvoyant and you need to start trusting and relying on your intuition. A new cycle is starting.  Perfect Timing is at work. You can be manifesting a new everything in your life. A partner, car, home, land. Well it's coming love you are going to be blessed beyond measure. You are go getter don't let no body shame you for your hustle.  You need to take back your energy from others. You have been meditating and praying or you need to pray and meditate. You might feel like the Universe is against you, but you are abundant and are actually prospering. Do not go into anything premature keep your energy versatile as you maneuver through the obstacles you are being sent.  Someone in your energy is dangerous. You are not overthinking anything. You have been getting downloads about this person. Don't walk run away love. They have no good intentions for you. I'm hearing taking you for all you got, getting you hooked on drugs, setting you up to r

It's all about you

Your energy is so upbeat go ahead get dressed for the day. You are leaving people in the dust not just trying to pacify them.  The world is scary and they wish you stay in their reach even though they can't be stable for you. They know you keep it 100. Keep on working on your sacral chakra. Be confident, joyful, balance, passion, sexuality, emotional expression. You are finding real happiness this lifetime and its beautiful to behold. You finally are the leader of your life. If you don't feel like your at home its ok you are creating one. In deed and energy as well as creating one within yourself.  Avoid lying to yourself, keep on loving you. I understand that maybe you feel abandonment, but once you realize you are not alone ever cuz Spirit is with you that feeling will dissipate, because you are in a delight.  Folks is leaving you you because they aren't meant to be in your life any longer. So don't believe that its because of you. Trust fols don't realize until y

following the breadcrumbs

 You are leading someone unto the path of reckoning. Someone from your past life or past. Whomever it is knows you as a enemy and although they treat you differently they dislike you deeply. They see you as a trailblazer and hate that about you. You cause anyone who is connected to you levels up. You loved on them and didn't appreciate the connections , but now that they are severed from you they want it back. They want you to believe they aren't the enemy, but you being  in alignment is making it hard. Seeing you heal your soul is making them fail where they once succeeded.  The energy you shared with them made them feel like a go getter who could fly  and they feel like their is no air and they can't breathe let alone fly. Just stuck

missing you..

 Missing someone deeply. They blocked you. They caught you in a lie. You are upset about how they walked away. They have glasses or you do. You know you won't see them next lifetime. You feel like they broke your heart, but you caused them more harm because of a water sign? You are stuck in your mind about them old scenes keep playing in your mind as you crave their energy.  You may be over indulging in food to fill the hole you feel in your soul. You probably are sad and quite frankly rude to folks, but it's time to man up ( even if you aren't a man) and get over it. no one cares that you don't like how you feel. If you aren't changing your behavior you won't get out of this karmic path. 

Sagittarius, Leo, Olive,Virgo, Scorpio, Anubis, Capricorn, Elder

  333 can be a sign of a loved one whose no longer here who is reminding you that they are with you or that the ancestors have a message and you are protected by angels. The numbers are meant to remind you to have the strength to keep going. Also the numbers are meant to remind you that all things are possible with perseverance. T he angels are telling you that you are overflowing with power and energy.There may be too much fear and hostility in the environment for you to be heard. It might be that your ideas are not ripe enough or that you are not ready to listen to feedback from others. If you spend more time in contemplation, you may successfully disregard the emotional occupations and biases of others. For now, closely observe inner events. The time for sharing will come later. Take action on your most burning and passionate convictions, no matter what the social consequences. Continue to articulate and define yourself in light of the torch you are carrying. This inspires other

Mars, Pluto, Angel Numbers, Horus, Libra, Gemini, Df & DM, Aquarius

 I can hear Tiana singing  "  This old town can slow you down People taking the easy way I'm getting closer and closer every day I'm almost there People down here think I'm crazy But I don't care Trials and tribulations I've had my share There ain't nothing gonna stop me now 'Cause I'm almost there But I know exactly where I'm going And I'm almost there" You have been having quarrels with family and friends and you feel you can't move pass those connections. Well, you can be the bigger person. Make up with them! Just be honest with yourself. Just because you care doesn't mean they line up with who you are doesn't mean you can't love from a distance. You might also be having a life balance issue that is causing you  to hyper focus in one area and ignoring others.  You might even be feeling lackluster about some decision that caused drama before, but any delays internal or external won't last long. This weak moment wil

you got this

You feel like you invested in relationships that weren't fulfilling and you are walking away from them. You are ready to make connections with people who uplift you and allow you to be you. You felt like you was lying to yourself and lost yourself trying to be yourself in with these lies. You have been praying to the Divine asking to see the real you. You recently made a decision that is starting you on this enlightened path you might feel unprepared, but you have all the tools you need to make it.  Don't worry so much. You have wisdom gained thru experience. You are also protected against evil and attracting good luck. Your insides are starting to match your outsides its beautiful.  Your boundaries are strong and the old ones have been restored. Don't feel like you are wasting your time. By Springtime you will see such a difference in yourself. Just don't lie to yourself about what you want, like and desire and you will get to your destination. Be the unique you that t

Horus, Libra

 Your thoughts are manifesting quickly into your 3d reality. So something's' haven't happened the way you want and you are learning that the things you went thru you had a hand in your own misery. You are coming to terms with forgiving yourself too. Yo are forgiving the people who caused you pain, lack, and intentionally separated you from jobs  and relationships and it sucks.  You wan to keep these relationships  but you realize how truly one-sided they really were. You was pouring into people with your time energy and money. It was emotionally draining as well and your slightly overwhelmed because you didn't realize how many enemies you actually had and now your trying maneuver around them.  You might even be a tad aggressive as you severe ties and close out Karmic cycles. Just don't become a bully because all those people were placed in your life just o get you to this point of change. I know you won't actually thank them but acknowledge that with out the tra

Bastet, Cancer,Libra,Pluto, North Node

You are finding the harmony within and eventually it will affect all areas of your life. Give thanks for all the gifts Divine has given you. Trust all the potential you feel  you can create in the world around you. The only thing stopping you is how you see where you are meant to feel. Release the pain of the first 7yrs of your life times 5 ( are you 35?). Science says every 7 yrs your cells are all brand new so look at your life as cycles of 7 and realize you have healed out of all those cycles, You have changed , grew, and finally see the world differently. Now your being asked to see differently intentionally. Without internal change nothing is lasting.  You might be trying to open your third eye so you can be more accurate with your intuition. Be honest with yourself love. Remember all truth starts in you. Today is the day  to take the wisdom you have accumulated and put it to use, You have to be in a egoless place to go inward and not to get lost. If you feel called to go t

Cancer, Aries,Osiris

 Oh sweetie please take care of yourself. You feel you lost some momentum and Spirit is saying no babe you just need to rest. In the next few days your energy will pick bac up. You might even get people coming to take care of you. Work on healing your Feminine and Masculine energy.   You're also rewriting your reality and that's including the influence of family. Not all connections are bad but some are not to be continued because of the toxicity of their behaviors.


 Message from your person: I don't want you to know how much I want you from head to toe. You're so unique and creative. I'm lying to myself about our connection. I want to make love to you and look you deep in the eyes while I show you my love in the ultimate physical way. I know you had a shitty past, but I'm not your ex's. My patience has run out love I'm coming for you. When we get together... You make the different comfortable.  I don't want our connection to ever end. I asked the Divine to stop time until I get to you and when I get to you... I just want to please you. I've spent so much time making you unhappy now I need to do better.  I sometimes dance with you in my head. I think we will do that alot when we are together. Well, I hope so. I don't want you looking to others for opinions I hope that you will listen to your own intuition about me. No-one else gets our love. The signs are everywhere that we will be together, and when we are