
Truth Is

 Don't be scared to be different. You are focused on growing and building your legacy. Your plans are great now to lay the ground work for how its going to come into fruition. You are being asked to show your plans by people around you. DON'T!! Keep your plans between you and your spirit team. Your childlike desire to trust everyone will have your plans stole and your dream unattainable.   While your growing and building don't forget to be always working on your healing. You can't let unresolved issues overcome your future for you sake not those who caused the pain or confusion in your life.  Do not let anyone walk in more confidence about what your capable of then you because folks will quickly tell you negative aspects about yourself in order to keep you from rising above where they think you should be. They might say it as concerned advice or just playing devil advocate, but why bring up negative things only?  Get working on that sacral chakra you want more creativit

Equation for success

  What isn't adding up for you? In what way are things becoming hard to wrap your intent plus thoughts around? Even when you at your worse what keeps you striving to make one foot forward?  Those are the thoughts rattling around in your head.  You aren't alone there are many who are questioning their self image, reflecting on who they are and how that translates in their relationships both familial and personal. Some who have been bleeding on everyone unaware of their trauma are now beginning to tend those wounds.  You might be disconnecting from people you thought would be connected to you for a lifetime. You have recognized that if someone's energy doesn't match yours they are either a hinderance or  a assist to help you grow and you are taking the initiative to level yourself out by pursing the relationships that push you to grow.  You had connections in the past that sabotaged you, isolated you, kept you trying to prove yourself with no real promise that situations

Spirit Message

Stop playing in folks energy. Some folks out there dont understand when you go and try to use lets say Orishas and your not properly respecting them your ass is grass. Ifa , Loa, Ancestors (especially when your not talking to benevolent relatives cuz not all family like you even dead folks got grudges) all have ways you deal with them ya know rules. If you are dabbling cuz you I dunno are jealous of someone or their connection to others you're in for a rude awakening attacking people spiritually who did you no wrong has consequences on a Universal scale. From the lost of jobs, cars, finance, to being in DV cases, to death to love ones or yourself. Stop playing with things you don't understand and don't open doors you don't know how to close. Seeing things, hearing things, car malfunctions, substance abuse (liquor is a substance), can't eat or eating too much (greed of any kind creates hunger in all areas with no satisfaction) can't sleep, can't finish yours

spirit message

  So, check this out I got two singers in my head and it's like they are vying for the mike to give a message. Adele: ...someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you Drake: used to call me on my cell phone Now I hear Joe... let's make a love scene... for an audience of two... So first off, it's too early for ya'll to be in your feelings its 3:30 my time but a message is a message lol... Anyway, Some feminine energy (not sex specific) is sending her dear john letter to the sky. They don't know how to say goodbye but she knows it's time to separate. So, they could be sending a text or email maybe evening actually writing it but by the time whomever they are writing gets the message they intend to be gone. Sadly, the person they are walking away from is on their way towards them: they had some plans to ... well, you saw what joe said. Anyways i don't know why you are leaving but I know your person is coming I guess the question is will you wa

spirit message

  I hear Pharell in my head...Beautiful I just want you to know you're my favorite girl.. Someone wants you to know they are jealous of you (regardless of energy). Your Spirit is so bright few appreciate it without slightly hating and this person knows that and they feel bad for you but also happy when you fade due to depression. Your light shines on their perceived weaknesses and while they want to cling to you they also want to bury you. As you turn over a new leaf do not let folks take you out of your rhythm. Go ahead and walk away from people and this person especially who want you to dim your light. Its not your responsibility to make others feel ok just because you are happy with yourself nor is it your job to actively teach them. Part of the journey is looking for what works for YOU to be happy not what is the next person doing. Spirit is giving you your flowers in the 5d and 3d. Spirit and your ancestors are so proud of you. You have walked away from 3rd party situations


  You are smart, have good energy, and you present it in a willful way but you are also impulsive. Your sincerity is apparent to all after talking to you because when you walk into a room folks feel like you are flexing on them. Tchue/Tlaciache(hero who brought fire to mankind) risked his life to bring a tool of change to man and I feel you are very much like him in you see a need and you want to figure out how to fulfill it. So keep on doing whatever you are doing in the world to be a part of the light and keep on passing out tools I feel that is your calling.

spirit message

  You are destined for different and you refuse to be trapped in the illusion of the past. You seeing through the illusion and it's beautiful. You got folks counting your pockets trying to see how you keep moving forward when they are trying to stop your money and happiness. You might be experiencing a Kundalini awakening. Have you been going outside to look at the stars because you should you might get a revelation. Any evil eye sent your way has been returned to sender. You know what they don't that their validation is no longer required. Angel Numbers: 284, 790, 771, 222, 33

spirit message

  The Hija of Water consists of her feelings associated with the freedom of the child. She remembers the moments when she was given cups of chamomile tea every time she was sad. She knows the remedy she needs, although she may not be able to prepare it herself. Just as the sweet aroma of chamomile will calm anxiety and flourish the soul, the child calms his soul and allows himself to be comfortable with a joyful heart. She embraces her dreams and often lets herself down in her imagination. So, the message I'm getting is you went through a lot as a child. Moments when you wanted to cry and didn't feel safe enough to do it. You probably turned to snacks as a kid and drugs and alcohol as an adult to soothe the aches that never healed. People may have even tried to give you things to attach you to them as well as push you further into addiction. I feel like now you have learned how to heal yourself. You have been making better choices to handle your pain and frustration no longer b

Pure Cocoa??? Interesting

  So, you are creating  a safe place to do some miracles. Ask for help from heaven. The art of pragmatic magic and the displacement between worlds is some heavy things to think on. You have been honoring the ancients. Learning to build the foundation that will sustain your activities so that you can create the life you want.  You have learned that everything around you can become your teacher. You let the world around you to show her the way. You approach learning with the innocence of a child. You can explore familiar things with the curiosity of an apprentice. You have put your emotions aside and have been communicating your observations and questions clearly. The secrets of the gods can be found by all individuals. Learn from them. Spread them. Drinking some pure cocoa is an ancient training method for deeper awareness by opening the heart. Commercial chocolates have harmful ingredients. Only pure cocoa can clear the capillaries and increase blood circulation. The teaching of the he

spirit message

  Someone or several some ones are watching a person through social media or literally stalking them and because they feel this is how they will learn enough to decide to make a move. Problem is them posts aren't about you ( they just recognize a lot of folks go thru a lot of shit to and somebody might need that message) or they are just living they life. As far as the following goes they aren't ever gonna go anywhere that will show you their motives. Dude or dudette or bud you gotta reach out that literally is the only way otherwise you are a creep and need to go down a different path. Even if you get rejected at least then you can move on to healthier behavior.

spirit message

Do not talk shit about anyone spiritual life and now you rocking protection amulets and burning sage and going to priests and covens and still think you are in the right and they arent cuz they dont want to be around you (you are petty A.F.) Don't get shocked when shit starts going wrong in your life you didnt ask permission to do what your doing and the Universe/God is balancing the scales. What you do in this arena has boomerang effects... so those return to sender spells 3 by 3 or 10x will come and tap your ass cuz you in the wrong. If you wasn't doing spell work, but you wishing ill on someone over and over don't be surprised when the very thing you wishing would happen does but to you or people you care about even your children or pets. Stop playing with things you don't understand just to one up someone. Get over yourself there is so much more going on in the world.

I don't care if you don't want me, I want to possess you it doesn't feel right without our connection

 song message: Tired of Being Alone~ Al Green I'm so tired of being alone I'm so tired of on-my-own Won't you help me girl Soon as you can I guess you know that I, uh, I love you so Even though you don't want me no more Hey hey hey hey, I'm cryin' tears All through the years I'll tell ya like it is Honey, love me if you will Yeah baby Tired of being alone here by myself, now I tell ya, I'm tired baby I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night In my dreams, nobody but you, baby Sometimes I wonder If you love me like you say you do You see baby, I been thinkin' about it, yeah I been, I been wantin' to get next to you baby Ya see, sometimes I hold my arms, I say mmmm hmmm hmmm Yeah baby Meeting you has proven to me To be my greatest dream, yeah Message: You might be in a situation where you are connected to someone or someones who a karmic to you and they have a karmic as well and they both are sending ill will your way or even doing dark m

I'm stingy, I'm selfish

I want Everyone to know your mine. I am fighting my demons to get to you. I couldn't figure out why you thought I would grow up for you and  I refused to grow for myself but i see now you wanted me to grow for me. You really just wanted the best for me.  You are actually kinder than I gave you credit for. I'm moving to be closer to you. I am baffled on how you understand me when no one else does. I don't know if I'm gonna get it right this life time and it hurts so bad!! I don't feel good enough for you. I am a societal menace and I believe I dont owe apologies to anyone. I know you are my sun and I may not say it in the most pc or cultured way. I might never admit it, but I miss us being close. Will you let me put you on a throne? I know I'm flakey and I have left you hanging before, but I finally understand you are the total package.  I know you are scared to risk it all but i need you to ask yourself what do you want? I hope its me.  My heart is fragile I won

When you heal can't noone stop you

 Many people are unaware that Duke Ellington was a dairy farmer before becoming a Jazz musician. He also was known for his humor and wisdom.  So a lot of people have this idea of who he is in their head and that is of a man with one joy in life and was stoic to boot. Spirit is telling me that you are like the Duke you have talent in a lot of areas and people seem to keep trying to box you in because they see you one way. Everytime that happens you feel suffocated. Not because they don't believe in you but because they dont get that is only a part of you if you fully focused on that one area the rest of you would suffer. Please do not walk away from ALL of the things that make you happy just because you focusing on one talent would make lots of other people happy.  You have been gifted a ability to take the rain and make stars or at least that's how others view you.  You expose all in the pursuit of being grounded in all aspects of your life. You are sensitive, but full of hope

Music message

 Sweet fantasy- Mariah Carey In that song Old Dirty Bastard says,” we go back like baby and pacifiers”. So in this situation a masculine is letting others know he knows this feminine…well they have history.  The feminine energy when they describe how they feel about the masculine “ they get kinda hectic inside,” “they are in heaven when they are together”. The feminine  just wants to tell their masculine all the things that blows their mind about them.

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.

Family Hate

  Someone is upset that you have a soulmate connection. That you know or knew that type of love. This family member is desperate for the light this love gives you. This family member has a habit of love bombing you in a attempt to pull you closer, while actually providing no real relationship.  They come across as loving and possibly even “holy”, but they want to take your life literally because they don’t feel you deserve your gifts that they know you got from your shared grandmother.  This person is stalking you. They may even have stolen your story to gain the “ accolades of being a victim”. This family member does not want you to better yourself. Your growth is proof that the lies they told don’t matter.

Karmic Lessons

 You are receiving what you need in life and moving onward. Those who you are leaving behind are feeling triggered. They want you trapped in turmoil, but you’re not and they are resentful especially since they are experiencing karmic lessons. They are urged to let you go physically, spiritually or mentally.  Someone is competition with you a hidden enemy someone who acts like a Swan, but they are a snake. Someone most likely a woman wants you looking over your shoulder in fear just because their person is interested in you. You aren’t even looking up right now because your focused on your career endeavors.  Your focused on healing as well. Knowing that you can’t heal around those who hurt you.  You are headed toward light hearted fun. You are also headed toward finding out some truths, but you are adapting as you move towards healing. 


 I’m no afraid-Eminem Take a bow- Rihanna  So something wasn’t mathing. It just really wasn’t adding up to what you know to be true. You are being told that the people in your life won’t go astray that they just want to be back in your life. They love your vibe, your willingness to love and sooth  others. You’re a butterfly. You want people to fight for your love not act like they don’t care that love exists. You are releasing toxic habits. No longer trapped in delusional mindset. You are releasing people who aren’t proud of you who don’t have your best interest in life.  You have found your direction and your taking the steps on your destined path.  People who don’t respect you are lost they don’t know how to get back in your good graces.  Your boundaries are really keeping them at bay.  Someone ants to marry you. They got money, but being with you is what’s on their mind right now and every night it’s just you.  They don’t wait to take their Time, but spirit is in charge of the when

Your trails are almost finished Heracles

  You are doing some candle magic and it’s looking like to you it’s not working, but you have no idea what the Universe is working on behind closed doors.  You have been having sleeping problems and feeling like non of your prayers are even reaching the heavens. Family dynamics getting to you even peace seems to be hard fought for , but only for a little while longer I hear. You have been standing strong for so long and you are going to see the fruits of your labor. 

Cry now laugh later

  You are avoiding narcissistic relationships because you are headed to new beginnings. You maybe journaling about things in your past so you can finally put it all to rest. You feel feel liberated as you grow and change. You may be feeling extra  attracted, flirting, and dating. Some of you might be hooking up with someone new. Beware that if you don’t investigate there maybe 3rd party interference. Don’t worry you will be getting what you need to progress as you move on. Yes, it could be the only way you receive closure. Yes, it hurts but you are gonna get the last laugh. 


  Today you might be taking a chance and there is a opportunity for closure. Someone who has been stabbing you in the back you will be walking away from and be prepared a sneak attack maybe why you walk away.  Right now your single because you are trying to make healthier choices in love self care and being happier. You know that is your wealth. 


 You trigger somebody. They want to come your way, but fear your rejection. They don’t feel they will ever see you again. They realized their world is empty and lifeless without you. They fear you! They are insecure. You have them in their feelings and they can’t focus because of how bad they want to be bood up with you. They keep trying to keep you focused on them, but they can feel you slipping away.  When it rains they think of you and that one day\night in the rain.  This person or you may have a accent.  You and this person are both interacting with people you know to be fake, who are holding on to both of you. You are each other’s trauma bond friend, due to this bond being unhealthy no real growth has occurred.  When music plays they think of you and start to feel guilty. They know they have bad boundaries and no respect for most of yours.  This person may have engaged in relationships to have a home. They wished they had the means to support themselves so they could have been in

Someone sees you…

 You might have been in a runner chaser dynamic, but they are coming their 5d self is reminding you they promised this lifetime they would make it right to you.  They see you move like they do.  They didn’t think you would chose any other path then the one back to them.  They are aching to have you back, but you no longer are in a mental prison. They realized that together you could been gods together. They are realizing they lost out having that Corey and Topanga relationship they always desired. They are ashamed they was two faced with yo. You are impressive to them body, mind and spirit.  They don’t feel special enough to deal with you. Maybe they had bad intentions because they was jealous of you and your self love journey. They see you grinding and they even thought about marrying you.  This person listens to music and wants to have a song you both say this reminds me of us.  You are pissing them off right now because your happy without them. They don’t have any happy in any part

You are enough

 I don’t now why you feel like you aren’t where you need to be. You are enough. You do have a place in this world. No ore self sabotaging please. You deserve. You deserve whatever you desire if you are willing to put forth a effort.  Someone likes you alot they want to flirt with you, go on a date and show you how special you are.  Beware of narcissist  that love bomb you then isolate you. Keep on holding that boundary so you only have clarity around you. You only want people around you who reflect the kind of person you are striving to be. People will try to seduce you outta your character. Don’t let them get you into situations where you find yourself emotionally unbalanced. Step back and rest if you need so you can savor the special moments in life. Those friendships that are coming your way will keep you uplifted. 

Union is on the way

  You are being tormented by memories from the past, but it’s not to hurt you it’s to reopen your heart chakra. You are being readied by the Universe to meet your Love.  This person is not someone you will hide from you will want to be open with them and they with you. Right now you are all up in your head about who, what, and when.  All you need to do is get your self ready for Union. Lt go of outdated thoughts and rewinding hurtful memories. It’s time to stop running from intimacy and listening to Ego. You deserve love, love from yourself and others. 

Family messages

 Karmic Auntie- This Auntie does not like your intuition. You manage to avoid all the spears she throws at you. You are good looking as well and they really don’t like that. You are flexible with your thinking quick witted. She thinks you feel your above her and others she cares for. Yet she feels like her heart goes out to you. To her you are the meaning of when pigs fly. You don’t make sense to her. This Aunt feels like you are just giving your gifts away. If she was you she would be rich and famous your doing things for free stupid child. 

Family message

Karmic Uncle- A uncle is trying to get in touch with his emotion. Trying to find the truth within. They are distant from you. A Pisces or Leo could could indirectly part of the connection. This Uncle is sending you messages, but you might be busy trying to balance something’s out you may feel he’s feel blind to. This Uncle is aware things aren’t perfect for you. They don’t truly care. They don’t want to see you happy. They can’t come to you though. They don’t know where you are, but they know you are seeking a deep connection with them or family but now you sense something off about them. 

Family message

 Brother- There is a brother out there who lives for money. They only see things in view of its value. They live a fairly empty life even though they may have a lot. They don’t feel like they have enough even though Spirit says they are abundant.  They don’t understand what abundance means. To them they need money, things, but the real abundance they seek is love, security in the home, and family connections.  They keep looking outward when they already have the answers within. They are trying to mend wounds they just realized they had.  This brother really wants to grow with you, but they have no idea how to stay in a healthy place with you. They see you as a whole different world that needs to be understood.  That isn’t their job they don’t get that they are overstepping. They feel like you are sending disses their way not seeing the broader picture of whatever method you using to heal. 

Family messages

 Karmic Mom- For a few of you your relationship with your mother is strained so for you to find out your own mother has been trying to sabotage your relationships trying to ensure you was alone, unloved and abandoned like they were hurts you so deeply.  They saw you as everything they weren’t and instead of celebrating your gifts your uniqueness they envied them. They saw you fall in love and set out to sabotage the connection because they felt you didn’t deserve it. They felt you was making the wrong choices in life, but didn’t want to take credit for not teaching you anything of importance. You did your best and kept surviving. They are now trying to scramble to cover up their backstabbing habits. 

Money moves

 Someone is contemplating their money moves. This person may have a dog. At night when they are all alone they think about finances and someone they see as a star they also may spy on this star.  This person makes them smile. Whoever they are watching they want to move towards them. They find this person matches their inner drum beat. They may have been getting discouraging messages to keep them from moving towards their star but they are moving and it may have been slow but they speeding towards their desire. 

Sometimes we are our worst enemies

You might be experiencing a separation from a friend, lover or family Member, but you’re not allowing yourself to heal so your staying stuck in whatever toxic cycle you was making the moves to get out of. Let me repeat you was moving away from a toxic cycle and you stopped moving and started attacking yourself. Honestly, for a very few of you it’s spell work from some want to be witch who assumes your doing magic and they are better than you so they are going to do magic to and get you before you get them( did I mention they was delusional). For others it’s You! You are the enemy. You second guess and not nit pick your self into stagnancy. You are allowed to have a break, to rest, to need to lean on someone else. Give yourself a break!!! Who said you had to be perfect? You have learned so much about yourself and how you impact your relationships. No longer are you the silent one, the hesitant one. You quiet voice is a roar now. Confidence in every syllable you speak, write, hum etc. i

Your healing is beautiful

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you. You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself. You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path. You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.

Harriet time to follow the drinking gourd

  You are being called to be a leader. Your path has been the way it was because your meant to be a empathetic role model teaching others to intentional put themselves in another’s emotional state to be better to them. Your biggest battle has been self love. It’s been a tough road and now it’s time for you to lead others down it. As you relate your experiences to work you will see life has shaped your for such a time as this. Now it’s time for you to accept it and finish healing so you can began taking others on the path you spiritual Harriet Tubman.