
I’m no good for you but I’m coming anyway

 I want to drink and smoke and pick your brain. I need to know if you know we are meant to be as well? I stop letting you be the catalyst in my life and my spirit seemed to die. I have been acting childish like I didn’t know better. I resented how close you was to me, or that you knew me so well that I couldn’t get away with stuff.  I want you to look at me like Royalty.  I’m gonna take you in a date your eyes are going to be so big. I’m going to have you gasping with surprise cuz I got it like that. I feel like Ive always know when you start crying. I hope you are crying now cuz you hurt me walking bout I can’t come home when I want to.   I will fight you and who ever you are dating.  I even hate the rain now it makes me think of you waiting on me getting sadder and sadder which makes me madder like I have to keep my word when I say I am on my way.  When you finally accept you are mine I will be picking out your clothes. If I’m going to give you my heart you have to toe the line and j

Someone has a message for you

 Hey, I be thinking about you all the time. I want to smoke and drink with you and pick your brain. I want to spend all my extra time with you. As far as I’m concerned there isn’t enough time in the day to spend with you.  Lately we ain’t talking. You normally would have reached out by now. You aren’t the same. Is this my fault? I used to take joy I. Your pain to me that meant you loved me. I pushed you even though I know you was telling the truth. Forced you to second guess your every move because you wasn’t respecting my say so enough. I made you think I was changing or that I was accepting I was who you wanted to be with. I play ignorant and like I didn’t believe but I knew how much you loved me. I didn’t care. I didn’t believe it then, but I know it now. I can’t mess with you while you got rules and boundaries. I will let you get broken to prove to you I’m better then you.  I depend on you. You get what I need. I don’t even have to tell you. It’s just your mouth you don’t know how

Someone wants to tell you

 I have been feeling so low and childish. I told so many lies that I’ve been trapped in their webs. I sit back and silently watch you. I am trying to figure out how I didn’t see all that you was before. I am literally breathless over you. I’ve been holding back my emotions from you and it hurts I don’t want to do that anymore. I see you and I see me and I know together we are a power couple. My issue is I’m going to fail you. I feel like you are going to be disappointed in me. I fear I’ll never get to make the dreams I have of us together a reality.  I have been drinking a lot. I need to stop for me but right now for us. I don’t like the man I am when I drink and I don’t want that man around you. I want to be a better man. My best kind of man for you.  I’m striving to be good without you. I be fucking up bad and then I see you again and you tell me all the things that have happened to you that if I would just step up would have never happened just reminds be how bad I fucked up. It my

Pedal to the metal

 Your unique in a place of sameness. Always on the defensive because you won’t assimilate. You might have tattoos and like silver rings and you might be learning about herbs or just choosing  to live a more green life.  Peace an solitude is all you are seeking right now. Standing out is for those who are trying to be seen, but you are drawing eyes because you are hiding. Serenity is all you seek and you are rooted enough that you can stand when thinks get swampy and you feel bogged down. You have desires that only the world can hold and your spirit you let the universe mold. Strength untold, slowly becoming bold no one can grab ahold your game is to be told and sold. 

You’re ok

 You have been used to pouring out for others. Always emptying your cup to folks and situations that accepted your all but never offered to refill you. You fought villages of haters, survived floods of  poverty and financial pestilence. Your path may have been so skewed with so many options, but not enough information to make a choice so you standing still. You actually made the right choice standing still because your noticing that some of the paths have disappeared like they never existed. Your destined to have abundance enough to share with others if you choose. To give to the vulnerable and exposed.  You have caused someone to step off their throne. They have put their weapon down and no longer feel like a giant towering over you. Now you are about to take the throne because that is where you was meant to be. Not only are you meant to be on the throne, but you are prepared to fight for your throne. Both your masculine and feminine sides both ready to fight!!  You standing above oth

Create the tools you need so you can succeed

 You may feel like you are ill prepared to handle the tools you have been given in this battle call life. You have the strength to shape new tools if you feel that is what you need to do just remember what you create will be the first of their kind so you must train others to use those tools as well. It will be hard because your making up as you go.  You  should be wary of contracts presented to you at this time. Not all finance is good even when you need it coming in selling your soul for a few pesos is not fair to you. You have a knack to survive in situations others would buckle in. You have found healing in the midst of your spiritual famine.  You have spent much time surround by others trying to see how you do what you do. You have even tried to teach them and they still sat there acting like you didn’t teach them anything, but are using the skills they have learned from you to attack you.  You may have pulled back your energy to gain insight from your ancestors and guides. Seekin

It’s coming

 You have been working hard to gain abundance. You have put in effort as one would do to grow food.  Researching, to build your legacy the right way. No longer do you feel burdened by who is going to understand your path. You feel free like a an adventurer you are making inroads into places that no one has gone and no one expects you to go to.   The ground isn’t unstable to you anymore. You have created paths where there was none. Others now will be able to see you and follow you not because you are a idol, but because you have shown them they can overcome just like you have.  Your hard work has came with battles against foes that seemed as big as a elephant. You have fought for and found abundance in areas you wasn’t meant to find it. You have flourished where noone thought you was able to and now you are surrounded by so much you will be able to share. 

Your at a turning point

 You may feel like you have been self indulgent and hiding from the word, but Spirit pulled you back for a reason. You needed to work on your self worth. You needed to heal from some of the things you have been experiencing lately. Rejection, abuse, neglect and abandonment all causing weeping sores on your soul.  You have been doing your shadow work and learning self appreciation. You might have been  reading self help books or seeking out therapy  maintain the balance you have found.  You have been seeking expansion business wise as well as having happiness in all areas of your life. You desire to live a life of Joy and Playfulness. You want connections that are full of enjoyment for both parties.  You maybe in separation from some connections that are missing you. They are thinking about you, yearning for you body and spirit. You may have pulled away from them so far that they are unsure where the connection is heading in the connection.  You are trying to see past the cards you have


You may need to work on your base and sacral chakra.  You have been busting your butt, not having the time to be lazy, bored, confused, experiencing doubt in self and tiredness there just doesn’t seem to be enough hrs in the day.  The Sun is washing away your sorrow and shadows. Your self destructive attitude and doubts are fading with the quickness. You are creating. You have created a who new life and world your going to have to walk confidently into this new world. Your creativity might feel like it’s ebbing and flowing sporadically with Carnelian in your corner. Carnelian will breath new life into you so you can breathe new life into your projects.  

If you don’t start doing what your told so you can get to where you need to be…

 Right now you have the warmth in you that feels like spring inside. It’s so sweet it braces you when moments of indecision and almost physical weakness. You could be experiencing headaches or feel pressure in your third eye, have insomnia and maybe eating sporadically. You have been getting a lot of downloads, but have you been paying attention or are you unsure you want to know the answers to the questions you have been shouting out to the universe for a while now for about a decade or within the last decade. You also might be struggling with religion right now asking what is going to give you the answers you need?  You are being be called to write and you are ignoring it. You have a story that needs to be told so others can heal. You have been thru a lot and your experiences are what got you to where you are right now.  Go to your altar spend some time there. Light some white candles and tell them what’s been going on. Be honest with yourself and them let the hurt go. You are unwind

A letter from someone to you

 Dear you, I don’t have a deity, but if I could claim I believe in one it would be you. I know I missed my last chance but the time didn’t seem right. I’ve been selling myself to have the things I need. I am ashamed of how you will judge what I have done.  I haven’t had faith in myself like you seem to have. I don’t understand you keep standing back up after all the set backs.  I know I e betrayed you to much for you to trust me. I’ve taken so long to set it all right. You are heading somewhere I don’t think I can follow, but I want to try. Your so free in being yourself. You found the sunshine in yourself. You are so far from who you used to be. You’re not even in the ball park of your old self.  You made me feel whole, but I didn’t understand that so I ran from you. You are a miracle and because my crown chakra was blocked. I couldn’t understand what I was missing.  If you will just suspend your disbelief and let me prove my agenda is everything and that I deserve a chance…well anoth

A letter from someone to you.

 Dear you, I’m gonna get back to you. I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I hate you. I’m gonna hurt you. I want to strip everything from you. Why can’t I trap you? The games I play should not be obvious to you. You was supposed to stay asleep to what was happening. You taunt me thru every source of entertainment I try to utilize. All of them justifying retribution that should be yours not mine.  I am due Justice!!! Someone owes ME!  I demand my due! I am a Royal! I have made my mark and I will be recognized. I don’t need to be reflective. I am who I was meant to be. I don’t do politically correct! I hate feeling like I lost out on you. I’m low key proud you figured me out, but I resent it too because that means your not in my grasp.  I thought I had all the obstacles out maneuvered, but your so smart you threw up new ones.  If we was in another place I’d come back to you and be different. I’d give you that soft rough love you desire. I’m just scarred to trust my heart to you. You’re my

A letter from someone you know

 Dear you,  Please don’t cry. I won’t leave again. Once I come home it will be the last time. You’re my Queen/King. Once upon a time we were lose and I miss that. You was so put together always knowing when I lied. You was my Temptation Song, cuz I have my sunshine no matter the day. I know I don’t deserve you, but I will fight for you because I see you as a victim of me and the world. I took your love for granted. Now I feel your so far away. You set the bar and no one compares.  Now there is a hole in my heart, my soul, my life. I’m so damaged I cry about us. I doubt I’ll see you again if I can help it. You helped ease my pain. I experienced such bliss with you. I have a plan on how to see you some how. I will talk you into seeing me. You’re Mine!! I know you still love me so how is it you still haven’t reached out yet?  You don’t want me anymore and it shows. Just when my friends and families true colors are showing. I wish I had showed you I do know how to love you. I played a lot

It’s not you it’s me

  Someone is fighting  their addictions. At night they sit up and drink and smoke and think about you and curse life. They used to feel like they had the whole world in their hands. Nothing was outta reach and every step was sunshine and posh grass.  They see your not stuck thinking about them and that adds to their misery.  Their emotions have them caged in and their thoughts are all tinged with loneliness and heartbreak. While verbally they blame you they know it’s them and that’s what’s eating them up. 

It’s not all in your head…open your eyes

  Get out your head! You’re not going to get far if you get stuck in there. You’re unbalanced, mostly because you keep trying to even things out in life and sometimes that’s just not possible. Sometimes things  have to crumble or even get knocked down in order to find the load bearing area that makes it all work out.  Until you allow yourself to seek that balance without your leading. You won’t keep sliding off your path like your playing a game of shoots and ladders and will be able to see all the twists and turns like the high priest/ess you’re supposed to be. 

You need to matter to you

  You haven’t been taking care of your self. You have been doing to much and you feel run down, defeated, outta shape and aimless. You have lost that spark that made it easy to roll outta bed and jut live life, but you failed to remember your the light and the match. You create the spark and your capable of turning it into a proper fire that will burn for ages.  The scales of life has been tallied and you are balanced. Keep on a acknowledging what your aware of ignorance and taking on things we aren’t meant to poison us and then we have to begin healing all over.  All that stagnant energy is just waiting for the outlet you provide. The strength of any gambit depends on its players and the stakes. You’re the player and the stakes are your life so be ready to wrestle lions, tigers and bears.  Everything is waiting for you to not only choose it, but to grab it with both hands. Now be mindful not all your choices are good some start of good, but will lay you by the wayside later, other’s w

Are you ready?..

  Someone is coming towards you like a Royal, but one prepared for war not celebration. They have been making their way towards this moment and they want a victory but are prepared to fight you to win you.  This person has lost a lot. They had abundance and luck and now they come to you disguised as a monster, but really they are a hurt soldier in need of nursing back to stability. This person has been trusting that their footsteps will lead them back to you.  They see you as someone who has a lot going on for them and is strongly to well as intelligent. They see that your very essence is wealth and no power can take that from you. This person fears you. You know the rhythm of their soul and you know when they are off. You have found a way to dance within even as you fear a misstep.  They have caged their demons and are standing guard against causing harm. They rather be like a surgeon who closes the body when they can do no more instead of continuing to cut and bleed a person and stil

Watch out

  You are about to get justice. You have been surrounded by people who had you on a pedestal and still had their backs to you. Making you perform for their attention. Now you have stopped seeking their attention and instead your now shining a light as a beacon for others who thought they were the only ones in that position.  You have faced the balance within to attend to yourself even when tides of life threaten to over take you. Like a breakdancer you have learned fluidity.  I will warn you one of the people a feminine energy is out for vengeance a masculine energy is trying to take your foundation for himself, a younger masculine (teen) young adult is seeking support and the rest is just waiting to see what your going to do next. The devoured of dreams and family has lost the battle when it comes to having you in their grasp. Keep on doing whatever your doing cuz your shining.  

Money woes aren‘t meant to keep you up at night

  Your finances have been less than ideal for awhile. Everywhere you turn the well seemed to be empty. Only it’s time for you to realize you are the source of your abundance. You working with negative and positive traits brings a level of balance to all aspects of your life that you need to have in order to be able to handle what you seek.  For you balance comes with assistance. Your divine partner is coming to help you stand when you feel you can longer even kneel. This relationship will be a come up in many ways in divine timing. Although I must warn you that someone else is showing up prepared to fight you or your person to stop this coming together. This energy is very passionate for the fight not so much the result. It’s quite possible it’s a fire sign sun or moon sign with motives to rush in, but they are still in their shadow so their intentions may not be totally moral.  Their will be a decision that brings about a change either to a connection or a living situation  but either

Stand tall

You have been feeling defeated like you was stuck in a battle and you was surrounded; down to your last weapon and no one near to have your back. You have started praying looking for a answer because you don’t want to keep wrestling with the monster holding you back from your cups.  You will look up and see that the answers are coming your way. You have worked hard strived to get to this point and the abundance you seeked is flowing towards you. Your cups are going to be over flowing just keep being patient. You are strongly getting repaid for what you have put into the world. Brace your self abundance is on the way. 

Open your eyes

 It’s time to recognize your enemies because they will be the ones undermining your growth. You won’t always see their behavior, but getting in tuned with yourself you will be able to use your intuition to protect your manifesting. As you move forward during this tower energy of mercury retrograde, just breathe and take one step at a time. You end goal ain’t going nowhere. As long as you keep moving forward you find depth within yourself. 

You got this!

  There is a ending occurring and you didn’t think this path would get you to this place, but it’s time to be here it’s time to get to the end of the road.  You have fought hard to get to this juncture in life. You maybe battle weary, but there is no more people to fight no more is there need to be defensive. You will receive all you need once you get pass this last hurdle.  Your creative endeavors are paying off it’s been hard to stay dedicated, but you knew that you had to keep pushing. There was a need to fight alone to know exactly where you stand now you fight battles without even lifting a hand.  You are not double minded on this gift you share it is feeding you as you feed others. 

I see you

  Someone is watching you. They want no distractions to bar them from seeing you. They may be depressed right now. They want a chance to reconnect with you. This person wants to drape you in elegance. If you had a connection they can’t deal your energy anymore. You have been on a pedestal in their mind but you want them to see you as down to earth you are not out of reach.  Someone hasn’t been generous in the past they was to busy being crafty and strong handed. This person is/was a hobo sexual using their body to have a home. Feeling empty because they was making deals w/theDevil. They admire your body, but they hate you. You manage to help this person be their best and they want that but not from You. You answer their life’s problems. If you are empathetic you Feel this persons energy so you catch  them before they even know where they are emotionally.  You may have walked away and this perso. Is a king for your energy. You look happier without them and they hate that. They want your

Healthy moves

  Yay you! You are making healthy choices in love and like. That self love is looking good on you. You are becoming happier and as you are you seeing the overflow. Stop measuring what many dance means and start seeing that you are elevating learning, expanding. You are walking away from co-defendant obsessive behavior and because of that the blocks in your life will no longer restrain you. No more letting people stopping your happiness. 

Eat it boo!!!

  You have your defenses up and your enemies are surrounding you like starving hyenas. They also see you as mysterious and unable to reach like the moon. You are just creating more abundance for your foundation. You are grounding yourself. You are the victor in this war you have been in. They are slowly surrendering seeing that you have created this strength and you know how utilize it. They thought they was going to come in like a monster and have a army and spill your cups. Instead they can’t even get to you. 

Think about it

  You are shining in the midst of this forest of emptiness. Someone is coming to help pull you out, but only to tie you to them. They have tattoos and long hair. This person has their heart blocked against any potential love. They see how powerful you are and that your light comes from within. You are a mermaid torn between land and water or a better way to say it is you are torn between your 3d self and your 5d.  Where do you want to live? 

Focus on one thing at a time

  Right now you could be dealing with instability at home or with your home environment. You feel like foundation is shaking and in order to find stable grounds there is a choice to be made. Whether it’s figuring out how to balance your inner world with all that is occurring outwardly.  Or you need to wake a beat and look at yourself intellectually Instead of emotionally so you can power thru this retrograde energy. When you make choices that still your inner world outwardly you  will start moving the way that best suits you again. 

When I think of anything I connect it to you

 When I picture… when I picture  the future I’m not working towards a better tomorrow I’m enjoying a quiet moment with you. Softly discussing our days and laughing at I wish you was there moments.  When I picture the future I see joy in work for us both because there is joy at home. I see support of dreams and encouragement to explore aspiration.  When I picture the future I see hugs after arguments because at the end of the day it  isn’t me against you but we against it all.    When I picture the future I see hope realized those times that past me had no words to describe of love and support and legacy.  I don’t imagine we won’t be discussing how we can make a impact, but that won’t be the only reason why we call ourselves a match.  Helping others is our calling, but enjoying love with no pressure  in all areas of life is what we really want to do so when I imagine the future it’s always in the living room on a couch at the end of the day wrapped up in the arms of my Bebe.

Are you going to answer the call?

You are being called to be a leader.  Your path has been the way it was because your meant to be a empathetic role model teaching others to intentional put themselves in another’s emotional state to be better to them.  Your biggest battle has been self love. It’s been a tough road and now it’s time for you to lead others down it.  As you relate your experiences to work you will see life has shaped your for such a time as this.  Now it’s time for you to accept it and finish healing so you can began taking others on the path you spiritual Harriet Tubman.  *especially for those with Capricorn highly aspected in their #vedicastrology #yearofthegoat#eldertheseeker#Sagittarius#Capricorn#Aquarius#LEO#cedartrees#beechwood#apple#cancer

You can stand just a little longer

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant and fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you.  You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself.  You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path.  You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.

Watch out

  Someone is dangerous to you. They see you as a delight, but you have been reflecting on the connection and you now recognize the red flags. You are being reassured that the Universe sees you. You are and always have been connected to the Creator. New beginnings are coming your way in life, love and within. As you walk in forgiveness and you see the overflow occur.  The more will you allow others to block your blessings. No more will you allow others to project laziness on you because you are a go getter. The last decade you have gone thru a lot and these last 9 months have been a doozy. In the next 9 weeks you will see physically evidence of abundance in the next 9 days you you will see a change I. Your energy. If your family safety don’t trip your family is safe. Your clairvoyant you do know that you can utilize your skills for yourself. All those who say they don’t read themselves just don’t want to hear. The messages. But with practice you can find the messages  that will help you

Peace be still

  You might be on pause. Spirit has you at a stand still due to you needing to learn to use calm and gentle tactics. You have been in the king of swords energy.  You haven’t been thinking with emotion. It’s been just cold logic for awhile. You are being asked to look within yourself. When you react in any way, but peaceful you cause turbulence in your life. Open your heart then your mouth people are waiting to hear you. 

Competition for what???

  You have someone who thinks they are in competition with you. They don’t just want to win they want you dead. Not able to review e the pentacles that Source has planned to give you. You are protected by your spirit team who are armed to the gills prepared to show anyone what is really good. Your whole life is about communing and celebrating your spiritual journey so you are truly connected and can’t be fucked with. Your childlike love for the Divine and for those who came before you puts a smile on your face that those looking down on you can’t comprehend.  Again I’m being told you are being protected and watched over.  This person coming for you is blocked like the first black surgeon was performing on white folks. This person coming for you has no idea they are trying to wrestle a lion you are a Empress or your in your feminine energy and you can’t be taken off your throne. 

It’s time to heal your heart

  You have been waiting with a locked heart for so long you forgot there was a key to unlock it. Very soon you will be meeting the one with the key. There will be no doubts this is the one who is your perfect fit. This person will be someone you will marry.  In order to be be ready for this person you need to heal your heart and root chakra. You won’t be able to accept else for that matter. You might be slowly opening your eyes to options.  You are seeing that you can make a choice good or bad , but your free to make a choice . You don’t have to accept this love. Just beware some of your choices can and will come back to try and take your abundance, your bliss. If you need to sit back and say goodbye to the past wounds that caused you to lock your heart in the first place. Learn from the past so you can create new opportunities in the future. That closed hearted you is gone your relationship with that version of you is over. No second chances or trying to resurrect that old you. You ar


 Karma is kicking someone’s butt. It maybe the middle of the week, but it’s not almost over it still feels like it’s just beginning.  Someone hasn’t closed out a cycle and until they do they can’t come towards you. This person is younger than you. They are set you you being utilized by them next.  This person maybe receiving messages on how messed up they were thru your connection or seeing shows that show the couple going thru the exact same issues and it’s eating at them.  This person doesn’t like being walked away from nor do they like the Universe reminding them that they aren’t as good of a partner as they think they are. This person wanted you to be the bad guy the “problem” in your connection.  You might be feeling pressure to fight demons you don’t even have.  This person has been projecting on you In hopes you and anyone else doesn’t see them for who they are. This person hasn’t grown up; matter of facet they refuse to grow up because people like you will always take care of t

Day and night your on their mind

  Someone doesn’t admit their day starts with you. They are fighting their feelings wanting you to just listen to what they want to say to you. They are broken hearted and feel broken inside. They want to be like you, but their confidence is actually shakey. They know you have a light soul and theirs are dark. They may have used their body to survive, but they want to make a new way. They also wish they could start over with you. They know your connection was shaped by ptsd. They don’t know how they can be better, but they would like to try, not a lot though trying is hard work. If you accept this connection back in your life they will come back and make you miserable. No love, reciprocating nothing. You will pour in and get nothing in return but manipulation because they feel they deserve what you have.  They tried to study you and still couldn’t figure it out. They have accepted they can’t change , but they hope you will reconnect with them. It’s not your looks it’s your gifts they a


Right now having boundaries and expectations from your relationships are extra important. By keeping your boundaries you avoid starting relationships that have faulty foundations pocked with ulterior motives. Folks who insist on telling you are wrong about what you feel.  People who find it ok to just pop up caused chaos and leave are lurking in your aura be viligent. Some of you do some type of divination and they can’t get around your knowledge to beat you, this person is plotting day and night to end you, but has no idea how to help themselves. They need your energy. They know you make them feel better and while they rather that comes from themselves or it’s someone else not you.  You bring light to their world and they resent you for that. They know they are a menace to your life, but they don’t feel like they owe any apologies.  Acknowledging that you bring light into their life thru your connections to the world is a lot  it causes them to miss you, but not to want to elevate you

Are you ready.

  That next level you been desiring is coming. That space of having no lack, no more drought. You are coming into a place of oasis, after being in a dessert and it looks good on you. You are getting your tools and weapons in place. You are are in a village so your no longer alone.  It’s ok to celebrate you have found your rhythm so start moving. Embracing your child like enthusiasm for life has given you abundance in a place were all expect there to be nothing.  You are being watched over as you move forward on a path many wish you to fall off or stop dead in your tracks and not find the strength to move forward.  You have wrestled the lions and proven you can see past their brute force to overwhelm and stay standing.


  You are balancing the masculine and feminine in you finding balance and embracing your duality. You are finding that the more you utilize both sides of you in the right situations your gifts compliment each other.  You are finding that that feeling of not enough is gone. Your not perfect that doesn’t make you not enough and that realization has soothed your soul. No longer frustrated by feeling you don’t deserve connections, lacking confidence all that self sabotage and fear vs ego fights are in the past. You are not yet the butterfly you want to be but you aren’t the caterpillar you used to be. Right now your in your chrysalis stage you are fragile , but that’s because a lot is going on within.  A whole chemical change has begun. You changed your mind set and your body is reacting to those new demands on it. Little tiny changes that have had momental  effects on your whole life in a different better way. All that out dated thinking has been tossed to the wayside.  You are remixing t

Truth Is

 Don't be scared to be different. You are focused on growing and building your legacy. Your plans are great now to lay the ground work for how its going to come into fruition. You are being asked to show your plans by people around you. DON'T!! Keep your plans between you and your spirit team. Your childlike desire to trust everyone will have your plans stole and your dream unattainable.   While your growing and building don't forget to be always working on your healing. You can't let unresolved issues overcome your future for you sake not those who caused the pain or confusion in your life.  Do not let anyone walk in more confidence about what your capable of then you because folks will quickly tell you negative aspects about yourself in order to keep you from rising above where they think you should be. They might say it as concerned advice or just playing devil advocate, but why bring up negative things only?  Get working on that sacral chakra you want more creativit