
Song Message Part 2

  Love ~Musiq Soulchild: Love So many things I've got to tell you But I'm afraid I don't know how 'Cause there's a possibility That you'll look at me differently Love Ever since the first moment I spoke your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life Things were destined to change 'cause The Climb~ Miley Cyrus: I can almost see it That dream I'm dreaming But, there's a voice inside my head saying You'll never reach it Every step I'm taking Every move I make feels Lost with no direction My faith is shaking But I, I gotta keep trying Gotta keep my head held high Truth Is~ Sabrina Claudio: Truth is I'm dishonest 'Cause I'm always scared to get too deep Truth is that I want this 'Cause I always see you in my sleep Truth is that I love you Even when I'm trying not to When I touch me, I'm wanting someone else I don't even think about you Reminisce it, wish I had it 'Cause it wasn't even that good Wasn

Song Message Part 1

My Girl~Temptations :  I don't need no money, fortune, or fame  I've got all the riches baby one man can claim  Well I guess you'd say  What can make me feel this way.. You are my sunshine~ Christina Perri :  The other night dear, as I lay sleeping  I dreamed I held you in my arms When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.  So I hung my head and I cried. Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm yours~ Stevie Wo nder :  Here I am, baby  You got my future in your hands  Here I am, baby  You got my future in your hands  I've done a lot of foolish things.  That I really didn't mean, yeah, yeah, didn't I? Long walk~ Jill Scott :  Your background it ain't squeaky clean (shit)  Sometimes we all got to swim upstream You ain't no saint, we all are sinners  But you put your good foot down and make your soul a winner  I respect that, man you're so phat Let me clear my throat~ O.D.B. :  Now all the ladies in the place.  If you got real hair, real fingernails.  If you got a jo


Take the shot! You have done it alone so far on your on own, and now it's about sustaining your success and maintaining your reputation. If you're feeling like you don't belong you do.  Something you been holding on to to deep down needs to be faced in order to be united with both sides of yourself the recipe is self truth, focus and self love. You need to walk in confidence of your dreams. If you don't believe in you then who else will.  So you have had setbacks stops wallowing in the what happened and focus on what you can make happen now that you have learned your lesson.  Angel Numbers:  333,222

Dear You

 Dear You, I'm mad because you won't talk to me.  I'm mad I can't get you to understand I do Love you  no matter what I've always understood the truth you couldn't say.  I understood every time you ran,  but it always hurt  and made me mad.  You not being a parent to our kids.  You was keeping secrets from me  and any truth told was given grudgingly.  I did my best to never lie unless I thought I was protecting you.  Often enough I realize I was protecting myself from the anger I believed you would cast my way for not being perfect.  I'm mad because I need you  and don't want to need you.  I just want to love you.  I'm mad because I have this need to protect myself from you because I keep letting you in to hurt me deeply.  I'm mad because I thought I deserved for you to treat me badly because I kept messing with you and hurting so many people.  I only cared a little because I felt you was mine  and they were hurting you,  belittling you,  taking

Leveling Up!!

 You are going thru breakthrough after breakthrough.  Cutting  away relationships that no longer serve.  Realizing who really is for you and who is against you.  Any lies you have been telling to yourself you can't hold on to anymore. You are walking in your soul truth as you move towards your life purpose.  You are not in a space to heal you are moving into a action and realization phase. As you put feelings into action you will slowly see the inner healing will heal the outer you.n You are asking yourself questions.  You forgot you already have the answers and you have a spiritual inner knowing which gives you knowing, but you have to move in it.  If you walking in patience, silence and love.  Draw inward with acceptance of your true feelings.  If you can't live with them who can. 


  Your good luck How you express your compassion and generosity towards others. This area where we articulate our tolerance effectively for the welfare of others. Jupiter expands whatever house it is in. The House that Jupiter occupies in your natal chart shows the area of life where you are most lucky and fortunate with growth. You should have no, or little, difficulty in the matters governed by this House (unless Jupiter is very negatively aspected). If you have Jupiter in the 1st House , you are generous, optimistic, cheerful, confident, well-intentioned, with good vitality. You probably like outdoor sports and are good at them. This placement brings many opportunities for personal growth and expansion, including a potential weight problem. Your confidence in yourself makes you a good leader and promoter because you have the ability to inspire the faith of others. You can, however, be extravagant, gullible, over-emotional, egotistical or self-indulgent. If you have Jupiter in the 2

What is your 12th house?

  The 12th house  called the house of the instinct, of dreams, of the hidden world and the unconscious. It is considered one of the most dangerous houses in the natal chart, but we ought not overlook that its foundation lies straightforwardly in the depths of our psyche. The 12th House in Astrology governs your subconscious and the things you say to yourself – the good and the bad. This house reveals how intuitive or psychic you are, as well as giving insight into your spirituality and your health. It governs your karma and what you might be bringing with you from the past. It also shows where you might sabotage yourself. Thus, it isn't a surprise that the 12th House governs secrets, confidential matters, worries, hidden enemies, and deception. All of this might seem like polarities – what you keep hidden internally versus how you can be hurt externally (either through self-sabotage or enemies), yet the very nature of the 12th House is that of opposing forces. At its most basic lev

What is your 3rd house?

  Commonly referred to as the House of Communication. Especially towards loved ones.  How you learn to communicate starts at a early age and your intelligence gained helps you navigate your relationship.  The 3rd House is about your environment – how you interact with it, how you relate to others, your ideas, and your opinions. he meaning of “Communication, Community, and Thinking.” The 3rd House's Natural Planetary Ruler:  Mercury The 3rd House's Natural Astrology Sign:  Gemini Characteristics of the 3rd House:  Third House astrology is about your left brain. It governs fact-gathering, analysis, and forming opinions about your experiences. It's how you think. The 3rd House in astrology also tells us how you're likely to perceive your environment, and the things you're likely to neglect. First up in your environment are your relatives. While the 3rd House doesn't involve your parents (they have their own houses), it does involve your siblings and other relative


 How are you gonna glow up this person? They was happy knowing you was they happy lil secret. They knew you was amazing they just couldn't see past your size to be with you in public. Now you have changed in a way that makes them totally see you; all of you. They excused it by telling themselves they didn't want you when the whole time they did they was just to superficial and admitting hat to you would make you turn away and stop giving them the awesome love you had.  Now they see how valuable you are and that you really are desired just for being you and now they want to prove to you that they always have loved you always was just blind to it.  

pick a better friend than depression

You have been achieving progress, abundance and success. You are aware of the universal laws of cause and effect. You are being urged to remember your material and earthly needs top to bottom  will be met in divine timing. Have faith and trust you have been provided for.   Step out of the hardships and awkwardness that left  you so sad you thought you was going mad. Just because you are unclear about your fears for the future, sadness can't be your companion.  Well wishes should be yours , but someone is trying to stop you from having ecstasy and success. The perfect gain is within reach . You are meant to have wealth, security, and ease. The peace that comes with discernment is acknowledgement it is a gift of discernment.    Angel Number :  88, 126

They will come when its the right time stop waiting and keep doing what you are supposed to be doing.

 Someone from the past is coming. Someone willing to fight to be in your presence. This person sees you have many suitors and hey know their offer is weak, but they feel a urgency to make it. They see you living a good life and they want to be a part of it. They will tell you that they have nobody else and that is kinda true. They are around someone daily they may not be boning, but there is something going down. Just know the circumstances are sketchy, but their interest is solely on you. 


 Overflow it's  coming that abundance you want is coming. That extra umph you need is here. Stop getting frustrated you have been putting in the work. You have let go of alot of connections that no longer serve you. You are seeking healing for yourself. No, longer trying to please others. You are taking care of yourself  mind, body, and soul. You aren't letting no-one sabotage this self love affair. Now if someone wants to be in your presence that they have to show you by action. Its all about timing. When the time is right Spirit will send you to your final first time Love. You got this!!! Its only solo for a little while longer. You are definitely showing the world what being a BLACK sheep means and your partner will be about that same energy. They won't try to hold you back or sabotage you. They will be your warrior. They won't take chances without discussing it. They will show you a love that goes back to the first moment of the very first love.   They won't put

If you don't get your head out your butt and pay attention to your surroundings...

It's a time to be clear in your movements. Have clarity and move in wisdom. You are feeling driven don't get distracted. Its already winning. Spirit knows you don't feel complete, but you are just fine because what you are waiting for  is just around the corner.  You love being in the midst of your Spirit guides. You feel accepted and loved and its beautiful.  Keep protecting yourself, energy and home. Some people are trying to see the world the way you do. They are pissed that they can't and because you can they hate you even more. No, in this instance hate is not a strong word for them they truly mean it. Some of the people want you dead.  They think then it won't matter if they don't get it whatever that is, but you won't have it either.  That you've made it this far is due to your indomitable spirit. You have been working on yourself becoming more comfortable with realizing you matter to you. That and self love that you need more than anyone else'

Have You Ever ... loved someone for years and still have to walk away??

Brandy~ Have You Ever Brian Mcknight~ Back At One Lauren Hill~ Ex Factor Boys 2 Men~ End of The Road Boys 2 Men~ I'll Make Love To You En Vogue ~ What's it Gonna Be Someone feels the pain that they have been causing you for years. They are serenading you thru the 5d. You are a dream come true after it seems like years of nightmares. They are trying to remember how they convinced you to fall in love the first time. They can't figure out why its so hard to get you to reconnect. They feel they lost you even if you are still speaking to them the energy is different and they NOTICE and internally they are seething because they feel like you are withholding the love they are used to on purpose because you are mad at them. They can't fathom you are reacting to their words and actions.  You feel like like you can't prove your Love anymore than you have. They have spent years telling you this isn't what they wanted but they stayed in your energy and now that you are list

You a Star and they know it!!

 It's time to hang out with your peers. You need to relax with your peers and release the burdens you have been shouldering ( alone for most of you) It's time to begin living in the moment and have some fun. I am getting this is for All of you and especially for you single Aquas.  You have been seeking a unconditional love a  "not ordinary love"  and you have been letting other stuff fall to the wayside.  It's time for you to focus and put forth some effort into your dreams. Your Ancestors didn't die to be carrying your loads in they afterlife. They are willing to support and even fight, but this time they are asking you to step up as well. Make your voice known.  As long as you keep the faith you will receive the love you desire. Someone is hesitating about inviting you somewhere, but they are going to push past their fears and contact you. Thru mail, email, text... I'm not getting phone call they are too scared. You can't be scared too!!!  You both b

Who can I run to?

 Why do I keep hurting myself dealing with you? Like a inflamed muscle I don't rest I just keep pushing and straining and I'm getting weaker. My solar plexus chakra is all blocked my eating habits are trash, I feel like the world is against me. I have been unreliable in the past and I fear I can't change that part of myself. I feel dirty like if I touch anything it will turn to shit. My soul feels dark. It's like my brain is congested with shame. I keep picking these people to be in my life and they just hang around never adding to me except outwardly. When I turn my thoughts to you I feel peace and my brain becomes calm. My connection with you soothes my soul. I want to be delicate with you, but like a flower growing thru concrete a inner gumption, a "against all the odds" type vibe. Like the bright colors of bee balm you are bright,  vibrant and you create abundance. I keep thinking about how it used to be and what I would do differently, but I can't get

Messages from Spirit

 Time is a illusion. It will happen when it's supposed to.  A new cycle is starting. You might be seeing 222 everywhere or 6. Your life will become more interesting as this cycle speeds up. You will have the opportunity for adventures. You see the world like a child. You are beginning to see the world as interesting again. However, for you to enjoy these benefits you must find the truth that fits you. 500 might be popping up everywhere for you.  Your angels are around you, which means that they will bring love and peace into your life. Keep on working with your third eye chakra. It might be blocked or overactive and you may be feeling stuck, lacking clarity and concentration  possibly having night mares.  Stop questioning if your destined and if it's wrong to be cheerful in the middle of warfare. I say to that what is warfare, but fighting for a reason to smile?  We all know change is inevitable, but this change is going to be so big that people will be counting your pockets to

Can We Talk??

From your person ( friend/lover/ex), I stopped drinking.  I wanted to dream with you and then make them a reality. I love your f'ing vibe. Your love soothed my mind it was so easy to be with you. You are my butterfly. I want forever!!! I was fighting this connection,but the harder I fight the more I love you. I just need a opportunity to to tell you how I feel. I need you to hold me down. No one will be able to seperate us if you accept me back.  I just want to climb thru your windows and take you away from the pain you have suffered. My goal is to marry you. Im taking my time because I want to get it right. I see you growing and I love it. You are no longer suffering from depression.  I love seeing that smile of yours full of wonder and light.  Would you please come back???  I know I need to learn how to survive without you, but Imma say it now....I don't want to... ever. I spend all day and night thinking of you dreaming of you. Wishing all my hopes and desires for us come tr

To you from them: B

  My God your impressive! You got me sitting here fingers crossed. I can’t anticipate what you will do next. So I am moving slowly trying to not broadcast my moves. Your brain sees 7steps ahead and it’s hard to out maneuver you.  I used to enjoy bullying you.  Ok I still want to bully you. Having someone as powerful as you blinded an binder to me is awesome. I wish you would come back though no one has had my back like you.  I know you accepted my brokenness. You made me feel invincible. Did I ever do that for you? Is that why you put up with me cuz I made you feel strong somehow? Or was it because you just so kind. You need a King/Queen/Jester in your life come back and let no one separate us. We can run away together. I will marry you to keep you tethered to me. Don’t think about it just come back.  You will lose your light and I will tear your world up. I need you to focus on how good I make you feel not how sad plus forget the curses that you have endured dealing with me.  I’ll giv

To you from them :A

 I thought you was meant to be mine, but I am no longer sure. If there was a moment where I was going to give you my heart that urge is gone. I want us to fix this. Can we go to therapy to fix this? I lie, cheat, and steal, but the few moments I saw clearly was because of you. I fear I will never hold you again. I know I’ll have to stop calling you mine. I have to find my own light. I can’t expect you to always be there for me. I don’t know how to do better. You don’t love me anymore do you? You no longer look at me and see a hero. I just want to make you laugh. I want you to desire to be in my arms. I have no idea how to change this dynamic. Even coming to you and asking how do we fix this ? It scares me because you have every right to laugh at me, yell at me, cuss me out… I can’t handle any of that. I have no more confidence. I broke my own heart. I know your my other half and that is what hurts the most. I hated being separated. I hate missing you. I wish I could go back in time. I

Spirit message

 Right now you need to be alone. Not overly wise by thinking keep your enemies close. Right now it’s time to focus on your growth and truly heal instead of starting the process than stopping. You are accepting that you can’t measure your success, based on someone else. Your level up is dependent on nobody,but you. Things are finally where you want them to be.  You are on the tail end of healing from childhood trauma, and past relationships. You feel like your manifestations aren’t being realized, but your abundance is near. Someone is blocking well, attempting to block your download from Spirit.  Spirit says let them try YOU Got This. Anyone coming towards you saying let me elevate you is not being honest. They are hiding they do not mean to bring harmony.  You create your precious moments no one else. Even if you feel your Justice is coming slowly it’s not its all about Divine timing. Stop stressing and begin to remember how  you use to think for yourself. When you did you made big di


I let go a while ago. I want to be in love and happy. Right now, I am struggling to be in love with myself. I want to heal and that doesn't include being connected to you in any way. I get it you see me as a good option now, but what about when you were treating me like the black sheep? I know you now see my worth and now I'm a good option for you. I thought I had no worries with you. I thought we had healed together. I didn't want to walk away.  I thought I had nothing without you. I couldn't see beyond the fact that I wanted you.  Right now, I am trying to see if one plus one is two because lately it keeps adding up to negative 99.  You played so many games now I see your demons and I got trauma and triggers. I have to free myself from this toxicness. Even if that means leaving the country. This is just right for me; I need to move on I feel it in my bones.  I'm working on my intuition, empathy, and heart chakra. I am also protecting me now even from you.  I'm