

Libra is  a zodiac sign and constellation that represents balance and harmony.  Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with the period from September 22 to October 23. The symbol for Libra is the scales, which represents fairness and justice. Libras are said to be sociable, intelligent, and charming.   Libra is a constellation in the southern sky, located between Virgo and Scorpius. The constellation's name comes from the Latin word for "weighing scales". Libra is best visible at 9 PM in June. The brightest star in the constellation is Zubeneschamali, also known as Beta Librae.   You are leveling up. Those who was holding you back are falling out of your life and healthier connections are happening right now. You have found it wasn't you who needed to change it was those in your enviroment that needed to bounce. You had people in your energy that did not respect your boundaries. Now you are going tow...

Putting in the work

Kk kk ff You are safe. Noone can put pie in your face. You will not be made to look like a joke. You have stepped out in faith and now you are falling and are having doubts. You have to find that seed and hold on to it. You aresafe. Your family is safe. You've never done this before, but you are growing and now you light up the block the wonderment that is a symptom of innocence you radiate it. You are more then the sum of your past experiences. Have faith find it within. Anyone sending negative energy your way will find that its been returned to them times 10. They are wondering how you know they betrayed you and why arent you hurt by it. Why arent you fragile and broken? You are intoxicating to be around. You make all around you feel rich. As you move ahead in life you will have many who judge your jouney. There are those who want to fight over you. Some of these people were in open relationships or dating around and they are...


In Native American astrology, the falcon is a zodiac sign for people born between March 21 and April 19. Falcons are said to be good leaders with a clear vision and the ability to fly high. They are also believed to be energized by the element of fire and to have great potential for clairvoyance.  Here are some other characteristics associated with falcons in Native American astrology: Reliable: Falcons are known for providing opinions that include all viewpoints and information.  Considerate: Falcons often won't proceed with their own plans until they have a complete view of all potential routes.  Ambitious: Falcons are said to be happiest in complex careers.  Upbeat: Falcons are believed to have a positive outlook and to be energizing There are secrets coming out. Someone has stopped drinking. Someone is getting shoved out of the closet. Someone wants to speak to someone desperately. This person desperate for a convo is willing to risk it...


Fir-borns are considered  harmonious and benevolent beings , but they are equally vulnerable, ambitious and gifted. The Fir people are very hardworking and talented, endowed with cool beauty and dignity. They can do any job or solve any problem with their special originality, and most of their efforts will lead to a successful end. They are able to learn and gain new insights quickly. They want to achieve something in their lives. Their sense for responsibility does not let them run away from their problems so they often find themselves in a job that does not match their abilities and expectations. Fir people are withdrawn and distrustful when they deal with others. They do not risk and they never rely on other people. In spite of being introverts, Fir people are capable of selfless help to others. It is hard for them to meet people because they are reserved, and many people are discouraged by their distrust. Fir people are quite moody, stubborn and argumentative. Their...

Two Faced

Its time to get moving. You got the answer you needed and now its time to get out of dodge. You are moving upward and onward. You met folks who taught you to savor life and grow inspite of the pain. People did their best to undermine your growth from behind the scenes, but releasing the past is your gift from the Universe. You are not chasing after anyone or anything. Congratulations for releasing codependacy and that prverty mindset. You have released the need to keep talking out situations. No about of pleas and butt kissing is going to level the barrier you have placed in your heart towards needing anyone wanting them is your only desire. Do not despair in your quiet times. Do not fear loneliness fear a empty life. Change is inevitable so prepare and then move as YOU need to move not as others try to suggest. The love you feel you walked away from was not what empowered you.nThe more they pushed you to be at your lower self. The more they are forced to face themsel...

Not my first but definitely my last

I let them go. It wsn't pretty or easy but I stopped that connection. I will get rid of all signs of the connectio if that will reassure you. I don't want any reminders either. Divorice, break up whatever I will make sure its crystal clear I mean this. I dont really want to talk about my next steps but I know its necessary. I want to talk to you. I am waiting to hear from you. I miss you so very much. My soul hurts and I can't help, but cry at the pain that misssing you is causing me right now. I will admit I have messed up so bad I feel like will never get back to you healthy and a addition to your life not a burden. You don't just see your worth in this individual you see where you lack as well, but instead of shame you feel a rush to get to work. No hiding your flaws its gonna be about embracing and reshapeing. That pain I caused I am gong to do my damndest to heal, that grief to abate. I should have never allowed myself to get to a point of hurti...

Let's risk it all

I have been sitting here thinking for a while now and things have to change. I have to change. We have to change. I want forever with you. i know in the past none of my nehavior was consitent enough for you to believe what I am sayin now but I mean it. I know I had to make a decision. I know I couldn't have it both ways. Either I was in with you or I was gone and being gone just is not a option.You bring a light into my life I can't find anywhere else. I din't have what I felt you deserved and so I went around those who wouldn't notice they weren't getting my best and was actually dealing with me at my worse. I don't have the right to ask you to come back to me. I destated you over and over and felt shame but pushed it aside. If i denied it enough maybe it would become true. I have so much to say now that you may not want to hear. I took a little out of you everyday and expected you to still perform at 100%. I was young when we started all t...


Aten was originally a manifestation of Ra, the sun god with a falcon head and humanoid body. The word Aten means "disk," "orb," or "sphere" in ancient Egyptian. Aten is depicted as the sun's disk with rays that extend down to Earth and end in human hands. The hands sometimes hold the ankh, the symbol of life. Aten became the central deity of a monotheistic religion called Atenism, established by Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten changed his name from Amenhotep to Akhenaten, which means "Glorified-Spirit-of-the-Aten". He also moved the capital of Egypt to Akhetaton, or Tell el-Amarna, which he intended to be the center of his religious beliefs. Aten was depicted differently than other Egyptian gods, who were often shown in human form with animal or human heads. After Akhenaten's reign, the worship of Aten was replaced by the traditional Egyptian gods and belief in Amon-Re Please don't cry anymore. I won't leave anymore. I was weak an...


Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact, Scorpio is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm. You have finally given up the assualts you was commiting. You realized you couldn't just run up on who ever you wanted to fall. You feel like you lost everything, that you lost any chance of growing in this matter. You are not moving at your own pace right now. Who is rushing you? Ahh, the karmic lovers/friends/family you were covering for turned their backs on you. So you figured bring down their nemesis and you will be accepted back with open arms?? I am sorry you are getting the spiritual ass whoopin of the century but we both know you deserve it. You have been stalking and trolling trying to be closer to your victimis to see their despair in rea time and one just kept alluding you and now its pointless the bat...

First House

In astrology, the first house is the most personal part of a birth chart and is associated with the self. It's also known as the house of self. The first house is defined by the rising sign, or ascendant, and is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, and anger. The first house can provide insight into a person's outward In astrology, the first house is  the most personal part of a birth chart and is associated with the self . It's also known as the house of self.   The first house can provide insight into a person's outward appearance, traits, characteristics, outlook, and sense of expression.   The first house can provide clues to how a person's personality may evolve in the future. When planets in the sky transit into the first house, goals are manifested, and new projects, ideas, or perspectives take form. The rising sign is the sign whose characteristics a person adopts at birth and expresses naturally. For example, a Capricorn rising person is thought...


So many options, but I follow others opinions. I never developed the ability to hold my boundaries and now I am floundering. Mental illness is pausing my momentum. The world doesnt owe me shit, but I still want to put my hands out. I know I need to stop seeing things thru a slanted view. For so long it was like so many people were talking to you and their voices were coming thru a filter so very distorted, but now its all crystal clear. Its time for you to follow your intuiton and trust it. If you would just trust yourself you would know that all you need is within. Stop talking so much and just listen. You will hear the truth in the silence. After learning the truth you will be able to say one final good bye and bounce right on out of their lives and into the future. It may not move smoothly, but its still going to move forward. There will be times that folks you thought you had on your side were really your opposition. They are recognizing that they can't do life without yo...

Year of the Dog

Someone in your life is a nig goofy. They really thought God hated you becuase why would they be allowed toharmyou. They didn't understand they was a tool to shape you. They tried to ruin your life with sex and disease. This individual tried to move like you in order to steal credit for your life. THis individual is a whole codependant bitch but they feel they have the right to pressure you tbend to their will but they have no direction or ambition they just know they want what they dont have. There is rarely anyway way to gain knowledge without seeking it. Time and effort is how most knowledge is gained. Pillow talking and passion will not get you to a place in life where rubbing backs is how the big decisions are made. Wishing to be somewhere else won't wash away the sins of the past. You have got to learn to stand on your own. Codependacy is not healing. It might be time to be celebate and to work on some self love. You have to learn how to find happiness within.


Saturn's placement in a person's birth chart can have a significant impact on their personality, life experiences, and challenges. The sign in which Saturn is placed can influence a person's personality and life experiences. For example, Saturn in Capricorn can make a person ambitious, hardworking, and responsible.  The element in which Saturn is placed can indicate the nature of the challenges and achievements it brings. For example, Saturn in water signs can bring emotional challenges and achievements, while Saturn in air signs can bring social and intellectual challenges and achievements.  The house in which Saturn is placed can indicate the area of life where its energy is most felt. For example, Saturn in the 10th house can bring perseverance, responsibility, and practicality to a person's career and public life. When Saturn returns to the sign it was in when a person was born, it's often considered a coming-of-age moment, usually around...

Olive Tree

In astrology, the olive tree is  associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius . The olive tree is a symbol of peace, friendship, and forgiveness, which are values that Aquarians are said to hold dear.   The olive tree is a symbol of abundance, as it produces an abundance of fruit, oil, and leaves.   Olive trees can live for over a thousand years, making them some of the oldest botanical specimens in the world.   The olive tree is considered sacred in many cultures and traditions.   The olive tree is considered lucky in many cultures.    Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used olive oil to heal ailments.   Romans used olive oil to wash their hair and beautify their skin.   olive tree has a deep historical significance in Greek mythology and tradition. In Greek mythology, the goddess Athena created the olive tree after winning a contest with Poseidon to control Athens.  My heart is fragile.I have finally learned hw to...

oh so you want to fight??

Really you want to come at me on some bullshit? You want my person so bad you think fighting me is going to get their love? You feel that you money, sex or looks are what they truly want??? If that was he case why are they chasing me? You are all up in arms about some bull shit that you started. I am not chasing, anynone not even you. I got money to make and a legacy to make great. Baby you still on that bully shit that is played out. Its community or solo dolo living my dude. You are so insistant on giving the right answers you havent bothered to do the right thing You won't let anyone help you. You won't even accept compliments. You are to busy working hard and ignoring the obstacles others are trying to toss in your path. You are some peoples ideals and you have no idea because you rarely look up. Thankfully the universe know and they are going to send you love that is als power. You will thrive in this connection as you shed those that are false or weaki...


I have found so many people who value my happiness. They may not be close friends but they want to see the best for me. I may be unbalanced. My sacral chakra is blocked right now but I am still going to move forward. I know I need to restore my confidence, joy, enthusiasim for life, creativity, passion, harmony, and emotional expresssion. I treated so many people like my least favorite vegetable. I treated them like shit. I basically took their spiritual booty with no lube al because i was hurting. I was soulless and heartless and refused to be there for anyone. I even sought out deities to assist me in hurting folks to move on in life. i felt the get back ws justified unfourtunately it was just my jealousy and insecurities and its all blowing up in my face. I cheated, I told others it wasn't me being loose and crazy, but I just kept my actions secret while others crashed out because of me. If i knew where Daniel Webster met the devil I might have made a appointment. I shoul...

Cancer Moon

Time is a illusion. It will happen when its supposed to. I do deserve better from you. You are giving me less then the minimum.

After all I sarificed!!!!

I spent so much money! I did some weird and nasty shit! I just wanteed to beat you. I joined a group that promised me so much if I gave them you and I couldn't. I thought I was going to beat you with these new gifts I discovered. I thought you wasn't as informed and wise as I thought you was " pretending to be". I held you to standards I could never meet and I even encouraged others to ostrasize you or I refused to shield you. I see you are stronger, wiser and more powerful then I could even believe. All I have done has continually backfired on me. I wanted to be so needed by you that everyone could see I was the strong one but yor need never exeded my need to be seen. I couldn't ever be happy for you. I see the rain and think about you feeling cleansed by it, refreshed by it and yet your the sun the sunrise the promise of safety after the storm. I wanted to take your forever love. I wanted to be loved just as deeply as you are. I wanted someone to make...


In astrology, Jupiter's placement in a person's natal chart can indicate where they are likely to experience success, growth, and good fortune. The house and sign where Jupiter is located can also reveal unique characteristics about a person's influence. Here are some of the meanings associated with Jupiter in different houses: 1st house: A strong sense of self, optimism, and generosity 2nd house: Financial abundance, a talent for accumulating wealth, and a natural knack for investments 3rd house: Enhanced communication skills, intellectual pursuits, and an ability to excel in writing and teaching 4th house: A nurturing and supportive domestic environment, and blessings to the home and family 5th house: Creativity, self-expression, pleasure, and joy 9th house: A drive towards higher education, travel, and philosophical exploration 10th house: Favorable for achieving prominence, gaining respect in one's profession, and attaining ambitious career goals 11th house:...

rising sign

Addictions stopped me from being my true self. I wanted to do everything and anything for you. I thought I was the bag and it was you all along. I am so tired of the seperation and its just not fair. I have no clear thoughts when it comes to this. I wanted to be a Pearl for you. I wanted to protect you against evil and help you attract love, luck and be the calm in all your storms. Man I would have drank your waterfall, but you wanted fast money and fast cars. You bragged about how damaged you are and it never added to your worth. You treated me like an option and that was my final straw. I saw all the paths out there and came to you and you just walked away. I thought because our hearts seemed to beat as one that we was kismet. I did all I could to keep you hooked. I left bread crumbs for you to follow. I wanted us to need each other and want each other. I thought about asking your friends for help, but you have made your choices. Things just dont seem to come smoothly for me. I ...


Aries are said to have a karma of taking action, starting things, and being free, but not being too self-absorbed. Some say that people born under the sign of Aries are known for being courageous, energetic, and adventurous. They are also said to be independent and thrive in dynamic fields like business, military, sports, and engineering.Some say that Aries is suffused with the potency of the creative impulse and can be sharpened like an artist's too. According to astrology, the dharma of Aries is to balance their fiery nature with patience and self-awareness. Aries are known for being bold, independent, and enthusiastic, and their dharma is to use these traits to start things and be free, but not be too self-absorbed. Aries are natural motivators who can ignite passion in others. Aries can embrace their independence and self-reliance to pursue their passions without being hindered by others' expectations. Aries are born to advance in arts, culture, entertainment, and more. ...


I wish someone would help me you are screaming to the Universe. You are tired of crying and you are ready to laugh.  You are tired of daydreaming about love. You want what God promised you.  You are being encouraged to be grateful and thoughtful about the blessings on your life. You are standing in your own two feet and haters can choke on their hate. Those who admire you gotta be on your level if they only taking and not pushing you to keep growing they can't be  around.  You are building a fruitful dream do not let someone talk you outta it. They will come and tell you your crazy, you are dreaming to big, your not trained, not capable all because they are jealous of your drive, dreams and ambition.  You are standing for yourself now, returning any negative energy  with a metaphysical ass for them to kiss. 


Family ain't shit sometimes and sometimes you are the ain't shit person. You have been lying, cheating, deceiving and it is going to cause a lot of heart break.  Someone you thought was loving and kind has shown you their true colors and you cannot unsee it. They tried to turn you against someone who never meant you any harm. They wanted you stick to their side and fight their fights.  This person tried to keep their foot on your kneck with guilt. You really thought you knew them and you are pissed because you see you was lied to.  Who ever you kept your eyes on has proven time and time again to not give up. You tried to post them and learnt they wasn't the one nor the two. You tried to paint them as demon and your false halo fell off.  Now you are sitting there listening to music trying to drown out he voices in your head. Your root chakra is blocked. You have been negative, cynical, possibly not eating, bouts of greed and you are definitely insecure....


So sick and tired of being bound. Tired of feeling inadequate, of self sabotage, of ego trips and frustrations. So many things cloaked in Darkness preventing healing and causing spiritual insecurity.  Lack of clarity and  only seeing lies for truth is burdening you. You thought that your peers was on the same mission as you and now you are realizing they was on a mutual mission it was just against you. You chased after people and situations  that seemed made for you. Only to find out that they were like mirages false once you got close to them.  You have figured it out and now you are seeking clarity. You want to grow out of this stagnant energy and have a foundation that endours. You want to speak to people who pour into you. You want to learn more you thirst for knowledge.  You are about to start seeking some knowledge that is going to set you on your forever path. Do not allow anyone to use lust to overstep your boundaries. Charm is ok when it's genuine. Trus...


The maple tree and its leaves have many spiritual meanings. The maple tree's wide shape and ability to cast shade can protect people from evil spirits and danger. In Native American culture, the maple is a tree of protection against negative energies. The maple tree's white bark and five-pointed leaves are similar to a human hand, which was seen as a sign of a connection between the human and divine worlds. The red color of maple leaves is associated with happiness and joy, and the maple tree has many stories related to love and romance. In Korean culture, the maple's heart-shaped leaves symbolize love and affection. The maple tree is a symbol of strength and endurance, and is Canada's national tree. In Asia, the maple tree symbolizes official dignity and a sense of duty and respect. In Celtic culture, the maple leaf represents wisdom and knowledge gained over time. In Japanese culture, the maple is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and prosperity. In Chinese c...


You have beef with a sibling who doesn't know they are a sibling. You came for them and they had no idea why. You was out there getting yours and lying left and right, but wanted them to wear your lies like it was the definition of their life. So what if someone you was dealing with wanted them that doesn't mean turn on family especially if they aren't that type of person character wise before this incident. That you was told in private, but wanted to make it a public battle is ridiculous and shows the level of immaturity you are still dealing with. You could have risen above your jealousy, but you chose not to. You stalked and chased but never was adult enough to say hey I feel intimidated by your light. Who knows you might have healed things before it got to the point you are at now. You made so many efforts to battle, but now you need to make just as many apologies to rectify your connection. Noone is going to blame you for wanting to fix your mistak...

Year of the ox

The Year of the Ox is a year in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, which is based on the lunar calendar. The ox is the second animal in the cycle. The most recent Years of the Ox were 2021, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, and 1925. Hardworking, honest, practical, and reliable. Strong, methodical, and conservative. Faithful, trustworthy, and has leadership qualities. Stubborn, judgmental, and can be violent when pushed too far.Gets along with people born in the year of the rooster, snake, and rat, but not the tiger or horse The ox symbolizes patience and diligence. The Chinese term for ox is niú (牛), which can refer to cows, bulls, or other bovine animals. The Year of the Ox is celebrated in many Asian countries, including China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Korea. I missed out on the best thing to eer happen to me. You was a star and I treated you regular. Every oppurtunity to grow with you I shut it down. I didn't have good examples of lo...

Sagittarius Moon

People with a Sagittarius moon are said to have many personality traits, They love to travel, explore, and embrace the unknown. They are naturally optimistic and have a sense of idealism. They are full of spontaneity and have a thirst for adventure. They are known for their brazen curiosity and intellectual expansion. They are fun to be around and can get away with almost anything. They need a lot of freedom in their relationships and may feel caged by jealous or needy partners. They may have a weakness for commitment and may find it difficult to settle down or focus on one thing for too long. Sagittarius is the last fire sign, represented by the archer. People with a Sagittarius moon are said to be most compatible with other fire signs (Aries and Leo) and air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius). Trolling got you nowhere. If anything you are in more trouble. You really thought you was above getting caught, above being punished, above being judged. Nowyou have no wheret...

Capricorn Moon

Can we talk?? I fucked up bad and I am trying to cover my ass. In every language and sense of the word. I choose you and thats why I am still here, but I learned my lesson finally and I think I need to walk away. Ilost everything for you and you still don't want me? You won't change or me? Didn't I earn it? I've lost you haven't I? I lied and cheated and blew smoke up your ass and thought I was superior to you while you was thinking the same.. no you did me one better you acted like you was better then me in my face. All I wanted from you was candlelight and champagne vibes you know a romantic life. I wanted your soft heart but I never recieved it. I just wanted to love you. I crossed that thin line between love and hate. I feel fucked so I'm going to fuck you back. I don't care if we both go down at least you will be with me. I admired you for standing out I didn't realze you was standing on my kneck to do it. If I never see you again I ...


Fast life isn't the only speed. Taking your time is how you make history. Rushing it will only lead to disaster. When you are right in front of the things that matter you miss because you are looking too far ahead. You are missing alignment and that is why every thing feels dull. Sometimes it takes taking care of your outside to notice the inside needs work as well. That is not a bad thing. Work on healing. Do not look out ward for the ok. Its in you. When you mess up you ae given an oppurtunity to look back and make better choices. Regret is par for the course stop beaating yourself up and do something different. No one should have to protect themselves from your pain or insecurities. Yes, you owe people apologies and some connections you just need to release. You burnt the bridge and there is no going back. You are just going to have to watch them flourish from afar. Your fear of showing the real you maybe justified but shutting people out is how their perspective of you...

Aries Moon

Don't you see me? I am waiting here for your love. I am not trying to push, but I want it bad! I am willing to do so much just give me the oppurtunity. If you give me the oppurtunity I would be so happy. If I was so honest with myself I want to marry you. I know being with you would be a new adventure everyday. I've done some things and I am facing the consequences. Good or bad I am facing all my karma and I am ok with it because I deserve it. It doesn't matter I am coming back to you with my heart in my hands hoping you take it back and hold it safe for me. I can't change my past but my future is set and I'm moving toward it. I have a confession that might make you turn away fromme. I had a baby(babies) I don't know yet if I am responsible but until I do I am owning my responsiblity and Ihope it wont push you away. I have a lot to tell you and yet I still won't be able to divulge my full truth. My truth wil set me free but it might ma...


In African astrology, the Baobab Tree is  an astrological sign for people born between January 4th and February 3rd . The Baobab Tree is associated with the element of air, the sense of smell, and the liver. The Baobab Tree's ability to survive in harsh conditions is said to mirror the spirit of those born under this sign. Baobabs are said to have a deep-rooted sense of self and a worldview that favors practicality and realism. Baobabs are said to be naturally nurturing and often serve as a shelter for others. Baobabs are said to value familial and societal bonds, and relationships for them are all about reliability and consistency.    Baobab Tree is also an iconic symbol of Africa, representing life and resilience. It is deeply rooted in African culture and ecosystems, and is vital for maintaining ecological balance. The Baobab Tree is also known as "The Tree of Life" because it absorbs and stores water in its trunk during the rainy season, ena...


Someone spent a lot of time trying to convince some one that that a connection was meant to be. Either you or they are a liar. Maybe you both are, but the connection was false to begin with. There was never love, but there definitely was competition. Somone refused to allow another to find wholeness, peace and love outside of them. There was a backwards mindset and definitely some egotistical flavored thinking. You want your connections to flourish not crumble. So healing your inner child is your upmost desire at the moment. Seeking counseling, therapy whatever asistance you need to seek to get this shadow work cleared is your biggest focus at this time. It would be nice to feel comfortable in your skin but its next to impossible right now. Fighting demons seems to be the only exercise you are getting right now. You keep fighting a fight when they would have left a while ago. YOu aren't changing so why are you fighting?? You know what to do to heal and you rather sit in this...