

Gasp with me as I surpass the boundary set by those in fear I'd succeed. Letting go of those who refused to let me see how much I blossomed that now flutter around like moths starving for light around me.  Giving in to the love coming with only the desire to adore me and show me real love.  Prompted to listen to the air to find answers since tongues speak only the language serpents speak Angel Number:222 Lucky Number : 2,3

Is it you or me??

Someone wants to get use to you, but they are sneaky. You are protecting yourself not confiding in others because you have found it brings more harm then good.  Deceptive energy abounds don't let it be you. While you are seeking paths that are more appealing. You are aiming to work smarter not harder. Change isn't easy so it will be something  you do have to make a easier way for yourself.  You will be entering new environments where you don't feel balanced. Don't worry you have home within you so when you feel lost  center yourself. Leaving a area you used to be apart of may be how you get to expand. Life has been hard for you but Spirit says no longer. All Divine wants is for you to go with the flow.  You are learning your new crafts and focusing on being committed to your growth. Your uniqueness is a gift too! Day by day your getting better, but stopping puts a speed bump of resistance you have to go over anytime you stop applying yourself.  Song message:  Sorry not

i need to get away, i want to fly free

I let go a while ago. I want to be in love/happy. I am struggling to be healed. You see me now as a good option, but no not long ago You saw me as the black sheep, but now you see I am so much more then you envisioned for me.  I thought i would have no worries. I thought we had healed together. I didn't want to walk away. I thought i had nothing without you. I couldn't see beyond the fact that i wanted you, but now I'm trying to see if one plus one is two. You played a lot of games and I saw your demons and now I got triggers caused by this emotional trauma. I have to fear myself from this foxiness even if it means leaving the country. This is just right for me. I need to move on I feel it in my bones.  Song message : Get Away- Lenny Kravitz Angel Number: 555, 


You to them:  Dude, I have no secrets. I just am tired of waiting around. Love just isn't enough. I'm not perfect, but I am trying to be spiritual and pray about this situation. I am trying to be objective in this situation. I know I need to let go of the past and heal. I know you don't want to change you are happy with how things are going.  I am in a battle within trying to heal myself I don't have the energy to fight you. You had me and lost me and now you want me back, but I can't be your black sheep anymore.  When I was with you there was so many worries, but I couldn't be my best around you. I felt insecure instead. Let's not lie I was insecure, and our connection made it worse. I didn't know how to be happy with you and I don't want to mess up now. I just wish you wasn't so unique. I have a habit of comparing and that holds me back. I can't be around someone I want to beat. I 'm trying to teach myself to dance like no one is watchi

I guess I'll see you next lifetime but not if I can help it!!

You to Them: Hey, I don't want to demean you ever. I'm not your enemy, but I am over it! No more do I want " happily ever after " with you. You are part of my past that needs to heal. I am trying to get my head right mediating and exercising getting closer to my higher self,  I know I have to focus on my legacy, so I am taking better care of myself in all areas of my life if its toxic it HAS to go. I know there are haters, i don't choose to focus on that. No one can stop what the Divine has for me. Folks are acting like getting to me is easy as crossing the Serengeti. Just as hard as you use try to get to me, they have to work twice as hard. I learned a lot from dealing with you.  I want to go to Mexico. I just want to be far away from y'all drama. When I disappear it's cuz I/m trying to conserve my energy.  If I don't see any of you again in this lifetime, I wouldn't mind. I'm trying to have more than a average existence. Angel Numbers: 1212,2

from you to them

You to them: Dude!!! I have no secrets. I'm just tired of waiting around. Love just isn't enough. I'm not perfect but I am trying to be spiritual. I pray about this situation. I'm trying to be objective.  I now know I need to let go of the past and heal. I know you don't want to change. You are happy with how things are going. I am in a battle within trying to heal myself. I don't have the energy to fight you. You had me and lost me and now you want me back, but I can't be your black sheep anymore. When I was with you there was no worries, but I couldn't be my best around you I felt insecure instead. I didn't now how to be happy with you and I don't want to mess up your happiness now. I just wish you wasn't so unique. I can't help but compare and that holds me back. I cant be around someone I want to beat.  I'm trying to teach myself to dance like no one is watching. I know that my time I change is now and it has to be personal. I can

Dear you

To: them From you: Hey, I don't want to demean you, I'm not your enemy, but I am over it. No more do I want "happy ever after" with you. You are part of past that needs to heal. I am trying to get my head right meditating and exercising, getting closer to my higher self. I know i have to focus on my legacy taking better care of myself in all areas of my life. If it is toxic it has to go. I know there are haters in your life and mine, but I don't chose to focus on that. No one can stop what Divine has for me. Folks are acting like getting to me is as easy as crossing the Serengeti. Just as hard as you have to work they have to double that effort and many will still fall short.  I learned a lot from dealing with you. I want to go to Mexico as far away as i can get from you and your drama.  When I disappear it's because I am conserving my energy. if I don't see you or anyone we know again tell the maybe next life time. For you at least I wouldn't mind tha

You got away keep going

Now is a time for wisdom you have most of the things you need gift wise to move forth in life. You are maybe clairvoyant, and you are operating in that gift as well as possibly others. You have gained an understanding of life that gives you comprehension about others and your sensitivity to those vibes' folks be putting out.   People want you to show all facets of who you are the wife/husband, mistress, loyal friend, lover, protector... but refuse to be honest and open with you.  You are avoiding commitment with them due to their lack of commitment. They try to make you be self-criticizing when they are the ones who should be checking themselves and reflecting on their behavior.  As you have chosen to work on yourself you have begun to gain confidence in areas you were worried about.  You have learned the gift patience. You are no longer sensitive to their puzzles and games. Your spiritual awareness is what is going to guide you as you take this leap of a faith away from these nega

someone wants your sexual healing

  Someone feels like you give them wings and they soar because of you. They lied to you often, but you always forgive them. Only now the issue  is you have walked away. This person knows you had your reasons, but they miss you. This separation is hard.  You always understood even if you didn't agree. This person is realizing they don't truly know how to survive without you in their life. They know they trigger you with their behavior, but you make them lucky. the world is scary, but they know having you in their life kept them sane.  They just want to come back. They will put excitement in your life if you let them.  You are the thought that lulls them to sleep at night, but then they fall asleep and have to fight their demons.  No more hoes and tricks for them, but they are confused because they didn't want to grow for themselves so they don't get why they should grow up for you, but they want you to risk it all with /for them.  They might even propose because they rea

Keep lovin on you

  Your energy is so upbeat go ahead get dressed up for the day. You are leaving people in the dust not just trying to pacify them.  The world is scary, and they wish you would stay within their reach even though they can't be stable for you. They know you keep it 100. Keep on working on your sacral chakra. Be confident, joyful, balance, passion, sexuality, emotional expression. You are finding real happiness this lifetime and its beautiful. You are the leader in your life. If you don't feel like you're at home, you are creating a home within yourself. It doesn't have to be historic moves to be the right moves for you.  Trust folks don't realize until your gone that you were the answer to fixing a lot of their problems. There are even some who will come back to you because they need you to need them, but they want to trick you with this reconnection. You are like everyone's favorite dessert, and you aren't letting them devour you. I guess it's a good they

Red Flags

 Whelp, someone wants to know if you are D.T.F. and its screaming red flags. If you don't give up the booty they dipping on you. They wanted to pick your brain but they wanted to be in your draws. You have the gift to see thru them, but only if they can get you into bed.  You are a true delight you exude parental energy that makes to you. Love seems to pour from you like sweat on a basketball player.  If you choose to sleep with this person be prepared to get left again. Due to being how you are this person dislikes, but they want you. Trust me they are as confused as you. They actually feel suicidal because of this indecision and hate. They are fake and they know it. Their words and actions never line up. They don't care if you don't want them they want you. You energy is intoxicating your mind, fertile and everywhere you go you create a home. You are history in in the making and they hate to see it. From head to toe you got that it factor.  You will be receiving apologies

changes are all around us

 Right now you are making healthy choices in love and life. Practicing self-love, self- care, being happier is paramount  to you for you and those you care for. You are avoiding self-absorbed, narcissist, one sided relationships. You are avoiding love damaged people who react badly to receiving genuine love.  You have walked away from addictions or people who seemed addicting to be around. No more obsessions or being treated like a possession. You are releasing any urge to be controlling as things are slowly coming to fruition for you. As you hang out in this energy of freedom o not forget that sometimes you need to put your feet on solid ground. Write out your blueprints plan your foundation then soar. You have been getting downloads where change is becoming a consistent subject matter. You are going to have to make the changes Spirit is asking of you, but you  got this. 

they see you

 Someone has inspired you by encouraging you to be yourself. They make you want to be better. You want to chill with them and just pick their brain.  They bring focus to you. Lol, yes call them together you will find Paradise. They mirror you in the best way. If you was wondering yes they want to figure out what's going on because they see a future you and them til the end.  They can't wait to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and leave kisses on your neck you cause them to feel something real. Go get them. 

me + you

The sound of rain makes you think of someone. You think about holding them in front of a fire. You are scared to reach out to them because you have been hurt before.  You aren't close at the moment it might be because of a water sign, but don't worry the person you are thinking of wants you just as bad. They think the world of you.   They feel upside down about you. Maybe you need to be bunt or smoke a blunt with them, but as long as you apologize you will get out of this mental prison.  Start on the path to be a god with them. Ya'll was supposed to be sweethearts, but interference; You have gotten past the confusion of others lie and seeing what's real for yourself. Go get your person.


 So, Have you been trying to make a web of lies stick together. Some lies about love because you feel abandoned? Whoever you was trying to keep trapped was your ideal mate, but you was busy playing games with others and you got tricked.  So, You trying to fix your web of lies to get your blueprint partner back. Spirit is saying there is no words, no actions that will convince and deep down you know it. This person was your shea butter baby. They are receiving Justice because of your past deceptions. I'm sorry your just realizing how much they meant to you. I'm sorry you feel empty. You can't mark someone as yours especially if they are telling you NO. Real love isn't forced, isn't supposed to be a negotiation either. You know they are a delight and you truly may be sorry and you might even be ready to risk it all, but you don't want to change even if you really want them in your life you cannot rewrite history and make them see things your way. You need to make

Jelly hunh??

 You're wondering how does this person know WHO has been telling your business? You might be copying someone. You see the energy someone is in and you want a piece of their light. You might even have been trying to convince them you are their friend or lover. You are running out of ideas on how to get into their energy.  You can feel they don't want to deal with you and your angry at them, but you miss their energy. You don't have the word to try and convince them. Their intuition is strong, they are wise and abundant and you aren't any of that, but you kinda wanna be.  You want to be healthy, in a unordinary love given the chance you would try to please them to at least be around that. Their cup is so full and you want what they have.  Others of you just want to be safe and have a healthy give and take, but you kinda feel like you should've left a connection but you aren't sure. So you're taking your time to get all the info you need. Regardless of the info

You gotta reap what you sewed

 Are you in denial? Are you realizing that disliking someone over lies has only caused you to feel  or face rejection. That path you are doggedly sticking to will not put you on a good vibe that soothes your soul path.  You might be sad and in your thoughts. Your thinking hard even thinking about the past and how you wish your parents would stay together. You are experiencing BIG lessons. Lessons that are causing you depression because you won't stop playing games. You can't even enjoy music because its telling on you. Every songs lyrics seem to describe your behavior, past actions or relationships.  What you think is being done in the dark or in your heart will be  told to those who are spiritually connected. You maybe angry because you can't manifest, but thats cuz your hearts not in the right place.  If you don't want the lesson's spirit is handing out then you need to stop the behavior that is bringing out the lessons.  Stop calling out to the Divine to stop you

The wheel is ever turning

 The family is broken and you cant fix it.  Some of you swear you aren't perfect, but you are trying to act innocent. You are sabotaging something that would be in your best interest to fix. You are pretending to thrive, but in reality you are frustrated. You can't figure out how someone knows so much about what  you do in the dark. You wonder is it in your eyes? If you have caused harm you want your victim to come back. As much as you dislike them you miss them because they had good energy. You might have even promised the universe you would change for them, but it is too late. You are going to have to lose them.  You can give them all they deserve now, but all you took is why you are being punished.  Time, energy, money, materials... it all needs to be paid back because you stole them. You allowed your shadow self to run things and have to suffer because it all will come to light.  If you feel like the sky is falling it is. The love you squandered was unique and you will neve

Its time to heal

 You wish you could change the past. There were moments of great Peace, but now it is bad so bad you want to die, but you keep trudging along. Its deeper than depression, but your just coasting along. You don't feel abundant you don't even feel abundant. You don't feel like a black sheep you feel  invisible and incomplete. Your looking at empty connections, but wont leave them alone. You're tired of life's lessons. You don't know how to fully pull away from them. You are struggling with self love and self sabotage and once you heal from this you will be able to walk away.  You don't have to stay in the energy of continual loss. Those hard lessons can lead you to the greatest answers possibly even your sweetest taboo.  Fyi the person you feel NEEDY about you aren't healed enough to be there for them focus on yourself buddy. Back up and heal before coming towards someone its not their job to heal you or even show you how to heal.  This is your journey. You

A convo between a masculine and feminine

The feminine energy  says everything you know about me is a lie, but since you want to believe it; peace out. The masculine energy  says don't walk away. Nobody walks away; who cares if it is a repeated cycle. You're mine! That should be enough for you.  The feminine energy  wants the masculine energy to look in the mirror and face themselves. See what they have became and why they are walking away. They have learned lessons in love and it hurt. Its the time for the masculine to learn . They have stopped letting the masculine energy influence their thoughts and actions.  The masculine energy  is hiding something. They want to blame it on childhood trauma , but the actions they are planning are all on them. They are stalking the feminine energy they find no entertainment except thru the feminine. The masculine knows their mask is gone, but they honestly didn't  think the feminine would leave. The wishy washy behavior they have been living in they thought they could stay in i

Its up to you

 Someone feels like you give them wings and they soar because of you.  They have lied to you more than often, but you have often forgiven them right now thought the issue is you are walking away not giving them an opportunity to even ask for forgiveness again and they feel abandoned. This person knows you had your reasons, but they miss you the separation is hard. You always understood what they were going thru even if you didn't agree with their choices. This person is learning they don't truly know how to survive without you in their life. They know they trigger you with their behavior, but you make them feel lucky, so they keep coming to you even though they know it hurts you. The world is scary having you in the world kept them sane.  They just want you to come back. They will put excitement into your life if you let them. You are the thought that lures them to sleep at night, but then they fall asleep and have to fight their demons.  No more tricks for them, but they are c

The answer is yes

 You feel like you have been over-whelmed by your past. Shadows, sorrows and self destructive behaviors that feed attitudes and hand out doubt like it was Halloween candy. Guess what you and only you can wipe the slate clean. You are the director of your life. Whatever the question you have been asking the answer is Yes!!! Its ok to be optimistic when you are heart is more open to optimism and Love Shadows are easier to push away. You have healed and its ok to wear scars proudly. You have gained them thru war and you survived. If you need to forgive and forget do it for you. Trust yourself, there is no limit to where you can go if you just imagine it. Do not block your emotions. The world you are destined to help create for your lineage cannot be sown in fear. If you step back you will see you don't have to control the world to change the world. Your greatest triumph isn't what you have done its that you keep trying.  Go you!! 

take the step

 Good influences the coming together of the right pieces will create the baby/project you are working towards you will be charged if you discard/abort this. The truth is you are meant to birth this child/project. Your actions have lead you to this place. 

Channeled Message

  Message 1: Abundance is heading your way as you walk in confidence and positive vibes. There is beauty in simple stuff and you have  learned to embrace that as well as opening your eyes your once closed eyes to see all the things you have been trained to ignore. There have been alot of dark days as you intentionally train yourself to see and think with compassion. You use to struggle to see the light but lately it is easier than every to bask in it not just see it. Right now it's your spiritual summer. Enjoy your time in the light it is well deserved.  Message 2: Grab a pen and paper and start planning. The cycles you have repeated  is no longer a option for you whatsoever. Whatever you ae doing toward trying to investigate all angles  so you can avoid pitfalls is working. Be sure of what you want and try to ignore external influences. What is meant to be yours will be. These lessons you have been involved in have given you the tools to face your future on sure footing. If you re

Sagittarius, Pisces

 Instinct that is fed by curiosity. Learning to live with ego not lead by Ego. You need to withdraw from the battle field. Seek solitude while meditating and reflecting.    You have made some choices that have turned your world upside down. Your focus is on money and a idea that will bring you fortune. You just want to feel secure. You are tired of living with others and having your foundation swept away regardless of  if you are prepared to stand alone or not. You feel like you deserve stability. The fact that you have walked over others in this pursuit wasn't a reality to you because you are in a single minded mindset.  You want to make your peace with those you harmed because they have burnt the bridges you desperately want to come backover. You have gained some wisdom and see you are alone because of your choices. You are hiding in your fantasies, fostering instability because you are denying half of your energy in this ridiculous self abuse of denying your emotions or your fe

Weekend Read

 This weekend someone is coming your way wanting to drape you in elegance. They are having you think about the pain in their past. It shaped them into the person they are now. That is the problem for them. They don't want to be who they are now. Change is coming and they want to accept it with open arms.  They are just scared it wont stick. They feel  confidence is key in healing this.  They feel like they are being chased to you. You impress them with your heart and kindness. You bring emotions to their lives. Without you they feel blank. They know what it is like to be alone and after meeting you they know they dont want to go back. They are trying to be respectful they want you.  They sense a death coming and a rebirth of who you are and they want to be part of it. You bring comfort and peace, the idea of home for them is you. 

Hornbeam, Sagittarius, Gemini

 So a player is ready to settle down. They know your spiritual and they love it. They know your guard is up. They want to know why you no longer feel comfortable with them. They feel your hesitant towards them. They want to lead you  to Paradise...Again. I'm being told you are beautiful especially your Spirit. This person feels as though if they tell you how they feel and you turn them down please don't ever speak to them again. They know that's irrational, but they are insecure that is what is causing this my way or the highway energy. They need you in your head and they feel like you can't out maneuver them if you are overthinking and they will trick you into falling back in love.   

Sekhmet, Sagittarius, Pluto, Capricorn,Scorpio,Leo,Taurus, Cancer, Geb,

  You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should  focus on personal development now. Soon you will reach your higher state of consciousness. This is also a time to be scrupulous in your dealings with others and to control your negative thoughts and feelings. Try to cultivate positivity. Step away from stress and strain. You might need to stop away from somethings you use to worry about, but you are finally realizing it was never your responsibility. Take a good look at yourself, your needs and physical surroundings. Its time yo be strong in your decisions and action concerning your physical well being.  The decisions you need  to make are often best made in solitude outside the influence of others. If you need to grieve the end of a relationship do it! Stop trying to pretend like it doesn't hurt and bother you. Its ok to show emotion. Just remember this was long overdue and was just the spilled milk of your relationship history.  Angel Numbers: 1010,1212

Gemini, Capricorn, Amon- Ra

 You will be better off if you will practice patience and gratitude, responsibility and teamwork. Your angels, ancestors and guides are all so proud of you  because of the effort you have been making. You are ending relationships that no longer serve your higher purpose. This new beginnings, of new people, creativity, freedom loving people will help you choose a partner of similar traits.  Angel Numbers:  300,2021,920

Libra, Virgo, Vine( the Equaliser)

  Find the hidden spirituality in your life. Recall , rebuild, understand what is already in you.  Universal Love, love for all humanity, humanitarianism, compassion and tolerance. Your lesson might be to demonstrate that loving and helping others is a gift. You aren't leaving anything to chance. You might even be attempting to express how you feel in the moment.  Your thoughts are manifesting quickly and thru reality you are seeing your dreams come true. Change is inevitable so embrace it.  From Your Person: I'm not ready for love, but I want to please you until you say stop. You're not indecisive. I get why you keep pulling away. You give me wings and I soar because of you. I'm so lost where do I go next. If you  was wondering no I'm not bisexual and I don't care if you are. I just really wanna eat you up gently lapping at your honey pot /  magic stick until you cry my name.  I want to marry you even if we have never dated.  I never gave you a chance so let me

I didnt know what i had lost until you was gone....

 Somebody is watching you. They are reading your posts and feel you are talking about them and they want to clear up any misunderstanding. Their life is in shambles and they have no idea how to fix it without you. You are the bridge to their happy place, They see you as a gift from god. They are so mesmerized by you.  They said the storm is over, but they don't see any rainbows and they wonder if that's cuz they all ready found their pot of gold. They love that you are in Sync with yourself. They know they gave you the bare minimum. The next time they see you they want to see you dressed up. They can't send it in messages they have to say it in person. BTW...  they want you to know your skin is like cashmere.

Smile you're Soul looks beautiful

 Most of the things you know to be true are lies about me. I was supposed to be your foundation and I failed. I know you don't want to repeat any cycles with me. I want to say I won't take you down the path again, but I'm still a fucked up individual and there are no guarantees. I know someone broke you heart and i damaged even more. I see you trying to heal and I thinks its looks great. You are changing and I fear that the new you will really not want me. 

You aren't John Cena

 Someone knows you are a tarot reader and they think you are pulling cards on them. They don't know you don't have to pull cards. If Spirit wants you to know your gonna hear it. Thru music, tv, a book, etc. They don't want you to cry because of them. They want you to experience happiness even if its without them. The lessons they have learned because of this  may have hurt, but they taught them so much. They know they lack more than they have to offer.  They don't want just a one night stand they want you to themselves forever. They are trying to figure out the when and where they can sex you to get you to give in to them and they can dump their burdens on you.  Without you in their life they have felt cocooned. They are realizing that their childhood trauma have affected this relationship. They realize they need YOU not someone like you., but actually you and its hard for them to wrap their mind around. They really didn't see you. Every time they try to leave you t