
From a masculine to a Feminine

I got shit to do.  I gotta focus and you are a distraction.  I never had you and now that your gone I've lost a opportunity to have you so fuck it and you!  Except you are on my mind every night, all night. I cannot even hold you while you cry in your dreams because I turned my back on you in the flesh and in the spirit world.  I was in my masculine energy and buried any trace of my feminine energy because it made me feel weak. You have always been my sunrise. You loved me at my worse. I even stopped loving me I can't understand how you do it. I know you used to ask me what I liked to see you in and it's your dresses. You seem so soft and vulnerable. I know you are not vulnerable in the least, but you just ooze feminity like Gaia in Captain Planet. When it came to you I always knew it was you. I just didn't want it to be you. If I had a better example at home maybe I would have done better by you. I hope you would have gotten a better me because I know in any universe I

answers are coming

That one connection that dragged you thru the mud is over. That situation that had you wondering about your worth and if you deserved all that had happened to you and was it your fault is over. You got away. You survived. You overcame something no one that you would walk away from. 

I miss you but I think I've messed up to much

We don't talk we dont even kiss. I miss kissing you, your lips are so soft.  I tried to stop thinking about you because you scared me. I also figured leave you before you saw the real me and left. I made such a mistake walking away. I realize I can't do this life thing without you.  Your body is a wonderland. You thighs are thick, you have a great sense of humor, your smart as fuck and still have a dirty mouth, your heart puts the best parts of you to shame it's so beautiful 😍😊. I didn't confess my love for you because of fear of you leaving me.  Oh my God that day you cried and screamed at me still haunts me. That day I tried to love on you and you pulled away like I disgusted you makes me shrudder. How could I treat you so bad my touch makes you shy away? You used to cling to me finding every reason in the world to touch me.  I hear you have some spiritual gifts that let you know when I'm heading your way. So I'm stumped on how to get to you now.  I don'

I'm down on bended knees

Have you talked to your friends? Have you told them how you feel about me? I only ask cuz your not talking to me. You always come back and talk to me. Even when I was running from you you would still reach out.  I don't want anyone to get in-between what we had. You are all up in your spiritual bag and you know my next moves before I even take the step.  I just want you to stop crying. I can feel it every  time you cry and it's breaking my heart. I won't leave again if you let me come home. I'm coming to you on my knees but I'm running on them because this love I'm feeling is overwhelming me. It's got me feeling like I'm bursting.  I don't know what to say to you. I didn't do you right. Like J. Holiday I'm suffocating because you are away from me and I'm going out of my mind. I tried to marry a side piece and now I'm losing in every aspect. I was betrayed in this connection so now I'm scared to trust and I hear you hate me so what

You shine when you acknowledge how you really feel

You miss them so much. You walk around with tears in your eyes barely making it each day without drowning in sorrow. Your connection ended with such a crash that no amount of cpr seems enough to revive it.  You both see each other as the enemy, but you were meant to be allies. You were not meant to be enemies but those around you were dead set on driving a wedge between you.  How dare you glow from being loved? How dare you have fun? How dare you feel stronger because of their love?  You had something unique and no one wanted you to have it.  You found by accident what most search their lives for and only find a measure of the love you stumbled upon.  While you both felt that you didn't deserve the gift your love was the Universe saw different and stirred the flames of your love causing it to grow while both of you tried to dampen it down with deds and relationships.  If either of you had the power you would have cut your love out and gave it to a random just to avoid the pressure

it's time for new way of seeing and doing things

You have been struggling with stability and feeling secure where you are at this moment in life. You may have felt you had to lie about your connections in order to have any sense of permanence in life.  The need to be flexible has been a constant and it has caused you to be the runner in relationships. You haven't felt safe enough in your connections to truly be intimate and let ego go.  The issue with that is it keeps you in a self absorbed type relationships because you can't care for others if your well being is first and foremost in your every move.  You intentionally pushed away people or only let them close enough to benefit from the connection but to not grow. The time for that is over. You need to let people in. It's time to make some smarter connections those that are reciprocal rather than one sided. This will benefit you and those who connect with the new you.  Don't be scared to shed the old way of observing the world and try on a new perspective I bet you

Messages from a loved one

Don't be scared to be different. You are a delight and all that meet youate blessed.  You say so much and no one can say you talk to much it's actually not enough ever but who is going to tell you that?  Your childlike joy in sharing  information catches folks off guard. You haven't been meditating a d it's showing in your behavior. Go ground yourself. You aren't being watched and no one is copying you. So go live out loud for a bit it's safe you are being covered by your angels. You have spent so much of your life living in the shadow of others expectations and mistakes.  It is time you trusted your self and the gifts bestowed upon you and use them for your wtll being as well as for the world.

sweet messages from your person

I used to let the way other people saw you color how I saw you. I made bad choices to please those people. I admit I tried to find you in other people.  I can't sleep. I miss you so much. These feelings won't go away and I've done to realize I don't want them to.  Folks sending you negt energy hating on how much I want you and not them. I should have been treating you right from the start.  When I come to you will you turn me away?  You knew it would come to this when we was children.  How did you have that insight?  Who taught you to see what is unseen and know what is unknown? 

Letter from your person

Hey, You are on my mind at night. You haunt my dreams. This craving for another person is not what I am used to. I have been asking the universe for patience as I have been having some arguments with myself due to a unwillingness to face the man in the mirror.  I have this emptiness inside and I don't know how to fill it a f it makes me feel incomplete. I feel sluggish and unproductive.  Please don't let this connection slip away. You bring out the best in me.  This space we are in where we don't speak where we aren't connected feels so imbalanced.  I am leaving my person. I know that is the biggest issue. Not to say my behavior isn't one as well. I am just saying that I know that is the biggest issue between us.  I know I can't talk my way back into your heart and life. My actions need to line up with where you are and I can't plateau either I have to keep growing.  I know now I didn't do right by you. I am sorry I should've known better.  Sidebar:

Letter from your person

Your light intrigues my shadow side. You make me feel powerful and "connected" even though we are just being us.  I am no longer conflicted about you and I. I know what I have to do for you. All I can do is walk away.  The fighting is done.  I quit.  I see you on this self love journey and I know I can't join you.  My boundaries are bad and I always fail to acknowledge yours.  I hide the parts of me that you want to see in favor of the parts of me that drive you further away. It's like there is a war going on within me and at this moment I don't know who is winning.  I even taking from work; so I'm just messing up every where. I went back to a ex or two.  I just want to be numb and not feel anything because I can't feel you.  I'm tired of using people to have what I need. I don't want to be addicted to things in my life or even people. Especially people who hated on you for just loving me.  Right now if I have to be alone so be it.  Ok,  I'm ly

letter from your person

You was created to be something great like the Powerpuff girls. You are so creative, but you focus on creating moments you forget to enjoy them. At least you have finally started letting your guard down and you have learned to work with your shadow instead of ignoring it or avoiding it.  I see you though and I wonder how well is it really going for you? Are you as balanced as you appear. I like what I see from a distance but, is it a facade?  I am scared to allow my heart to sing love songs about you. I don't want you to shatter me.  I want to tell you how wonderful you are that the stars are so jealous of you God sent them to adorn your lashes and hair, but the words get flipped and I tell you little to nothing sweet and nice. Give me the chance and I will show you all the that is sweet in my heart. 

letter from your person

I don't see a door to go thru. I don't want the world to see me. I am trying to disappear from off the world's radar. How can I be with you and you want the world? I'm holding you back. Being with me hurts you. We aren't in sync anymore. I'm jealous of you. I get defensive when you talk to me. I'm codependent and I hide from the world. I talk to much, I lie and gossip basically I have become everything I always claimed I wasn't even going to be around.  It's time you got some protecty jewelery  to keep me away from you. I am not ready to be around you and you have a destiny I cannot be permitted to stop.  I have my own healing journey I need to start and bring attached to you I couldn't never see the bad because you always forgave it.  People who know you never seem to know how lucky they are until your gone. I am glad I figured it out just pissed it took so long.  I can't believe I messed up so bad you're not in my life. You was a unexpe

Time is on your side

No more triggered relationships. No more turmoil or feelings of resentment. You have finally let go and and turning your love toward yourself.  How do you know it's over? You know it's over because you stop looking back. You stop giving more chances. You have grown and transformed.  You have made your spirit team so proud embracing that self love journey. Your happier, letting go of codependent relationships and controlling behavior.  Now it's time to spend time with friends and enjoy your single life.  Live in the moment and have some fun it's not your job to be stationary just because your joy makes them feel some kind of way.  The time is now old cycles have ended and new ones are beginning.

It's been a long road, but your time is finally here

You have been searching for answers and you have them, but now your at a crossroad and the choice to continue your journey alone until your true partner meets up with you or turn back and start over with someone who will drag you from your  destined path.  It's time to walk in your passion and not run from it. Its time to embrace your creativity and utilize it's power in all aspects. You have stopped listening to naysers and doom encouragers. You have released the pain of the past and your moving forward.  Stop looking for things that will stop you on your way and start to embrace your emotional intelligence as a gift just like your logic and stop second guessing everything. 

I don't want to close my eyes...

Someone misses you. They recount your memories like someone going thru their comic book collection.  I keep hearing that song by Areosmith and it's just the beginning of the chorus." I don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep cuz I miss you babe and I don't want to miss a thang..."  Abundance of love is all this person dreams of when it comes to you, but they feel they have nothing worthwhile to offer. Inspire of their lack this person is willing to bust their butt to bring you happiness.  This person has watched your growth as you have triumphed over situations that would have caused others to go down a dark path.  You took a leap of faith on yourself and your glowing so beautifully and they can't help but admire you in all ways.  To know that they can lift you from where you are and set you among the stars is not just a wish, but a reality they are manifesting. They want to upend your world in a good way. 

it's pure emotion

I felt so safe in your arms and now I'm scared of you. I stepped as far away as I could and not get hurt and so you came for those close to me.  This emotional storm you insist on keeping us in it keeps us stagnant. I can't come back to this and I sure as hell won't stay where I am either. You are all emotion or all logic and neither makes sense for us. -Divine feminine  This waterfall of love is drying up as more and more logs of deciet, abuse, and neglect pile up.  Losing their Divine position over 3d negativity seems silly and yet they are willing to toss it to satisfy their own twisted morality.  Choices are meant to be made by all parties and not everyone will be happy but the end will go finally come. Intentions will finally be made clear and  if no choices are made Divine will place the cards in a way for a domino effect to occur where the choices are taken out of your hand. 

love don't live here anymore

I'm to fine too be alone the masculine screams as they tear your relationship to sunder in this Metro grade cycle. This person was having a awakening and they rushed in before they was completely healed.  You was supposed to just sit back and watch their choices, but they decided to bring you back into their purview instead of leaving the connection dead while they finished working on themselves .  Whatever they have been speaking has come into existence and I think it wasnt the things they said with their heart,  but the universe heard never the less.  The blessings they were seeking are being withheld until that solar plexus chakra gets aligned. No more will their gifts work until their hearts are soothed with the balm of contrition and self forgiveness.

in sync

555- You are getting in sync with your true self. Letting go of patterns that have you avoiding your phone and getting into intense conversations. Keeping up your boundaries may make others angry, but is what is best for you.  People are watching to see if you will go back to who you used to be and if you will go back to dealing with the people you used to deal with.  Some are on your social media others are talking to others who knows you trying to sus any and all info they can get.  Some of them if they asked if knew why they attack and doy and lie they wouldn't even know it's just a complusion they need the tea,have to spread the tea, and if there is no tea make some up.  You have to be up to something because if they was you they would be up to something. I guess the concept that even if they had your body your soul is uniquely yours and no one can duplicate that energy exactly so it's a waste of desire to want to be you.  If they was

I got you on my mind

Someone gets your libido pumping. They have you throbbing and pining. Do they even know? Do they have any idea how you feel when they are away?  Your chemistry is insane in and out the room you KNOW each other in a way few can claim except in stories or movies. How many people can say they like, love, and desire their partner after months, years, or decades?  How many can keep having their first kiss?  You used to savor your connection it brought you solace and peace now you view it as a chain weighing you down. Where this connection used to make you feel like you could soar you have lost that and in you losing that they feel they have lost you.  Whether they tell you or not they can feel you. They call out to you in their soul and hear you respond.  They want to finally explore your bond and elevate your connection if you will find it in yourself to forgive them. They want marriage and grandbabies and flowers and long walks on the beach or woods it won't ma

From them to you

 I use to see forever with you and then I finally saw you so now I have to wipe the dreams out of my eye. I wasn’t protecting my energy, my self, my home I was letting worries of you effect all areas of my life. I had no peace because you was so loud in my head I couldn’t think.  I had to sit back and see why I let you bring any types of Karma good or bad. I had such cheerful energy around me and you came in to ruin my destiny trying to stop God and the Universe from blessing me. At least I know that I can sit back and chill because it was always promised to me.  Return to sender any negative thoughts that maybe dragging me down. I have poured out so much hoping to get more in return and not having faith that any type of refilling will occur. You are so strong and I don’t feel I am able to stay grounded in your energy and that causes me worry.  You say you are balancing but I see you changing. Your balance has turned you into a warrior and made you into someone others see you as elevat

They should be careful with you

 Right now you need to be careful. You are about to be presented with a choice and you need to really think about the situation. If you make a rash decision you might end up having long lasting consequences. Some experiences you can’t prepare for they just happen and you have to react and the chips will fall where they fall.  You have been forced over and over in life to heal by yourself from wounds that occurred and now your more wary of connections that put you in that vulnerable space of anxiety.  You have won this battle and you have been searching for answers and the answers you have found tell you that it’s about to happen and it’s unique just for you. No one you connect with is going to understand your journey except you so stop trying to explain it.  You are at the end of a cycle. It’s not even a big change it’s just like a sigh. It’s has to end so that new things can begin.

Love is blind

I’m hearing lovers and friends. “Tell me again that we’ll be lovers and friends “ so your hearing trust and believe and it’s very hard for you to trust or believe in the situation you find yourself facing. You have been looking for signs to make sure you are in the right path. You are a light bringer and you are bringing life to a part of yourself and those you’re connecting with are being influenced by example.  Your wisdom should be on shirts you have so many clever ways to explain life. You may feel like people are taking your advice and running. They are not appreciative and it hurts. You are protected from their jealousy and envy.  You need to be very careful right now you are blind to something that you already have all the information for. Until you acknowledge what you are ignoring your confidence will wilt, joy will be hard to find, your enthusiasm for the things in life that brought you happy will be missing, Your creativity will be blocked, balance in all areas of life will

Spirit Message

Spirit wants you to have a deeper relationship with you. No more just quickly praying they want quality time with you. They gind you funny. They do appreciate the things you do.  They warn you that the relationships you left you don't need to stay involved in. They are again saying your funny. You don't need to be the first anymore. You can take your time so you don't feel contempt for yourself when making mistakes. Taking your time is how you catch your mistakes early.  Don't worry about your status in your family. You know they didn't accept you for you and it made you want to walk away and now folks are watching them and you to see if you will forgive or stay on this public  path. Your family is attempting to court you to pull you back in. They desire your energy. You have forgave them so many times. All you need is to continue to ground your energy and enjoy this no drama period in your life cuz it's about to get real. 

With growth comes some wisdom

 You are wise, handy with nature, strong physically and mentally. You are overflowing with abundance. You have crafted something you have put time and effort into it. You have searched near and far to gain the knowledge to be able to create. You have gone to the depths of your very being killing off the old you and then being being reborn to reach higher heights. You have seen all that the world has to offer and you saw that only one path is right for you and your moving towards it. You are paying your debts and balancing the scales of karma. Soon you will be able to give like you was given to. The community you seek is coming towards you. The happiness you have sought is within reach you just need to start living like you already have it. You are the author and creator of your destiny no one can shake the foundation unless you allow them. You are not giving out of a empty cup anymore. You have learned that you can’t give what you don’t have to give and right now is your time to be rep

Ask yourself…

 You are not accepting empty offers anymore. You are only accepting that which you have made yourself. You have survived often being poisoned by those close to you and though you have built up a immunity you still choose to do things yourself.  You might be bonding with a pet more or you are looking to get a pet. It’s your spirit looking to bond with another being while you become more balanced. Like a animal finds peace in the midst of wild places so must you find peace in the wild parts of you. You can be the Emperor or Empress of yourself  if you get out of that slow moving knight energy and move pass being leader of a kingdom and be a leader of nations. Recognize the strength within you.   It’s ok for you to step towards challenges versus being overwhelmed by them and having to figure out the problem as it occurs. It’s time for preventative fighting and protecting and the way to start is to know what you really are fighting for. Then why must you fight? Once you have those answers